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“Get your team to share thoughts. Pass out virtual questions if you have to,” I continue. “All4One should seem like an answered prayer. Not like we are trying too hard to fit in. We set trends. We are leaders, not followers.”

Seth nods hard.

“That'll be all,” I say, getting to my feet and feeling a bit relieved that I was able to get my focus back on track.

“I'll have the next design ready in a week.”

“You do that,” I tell Seth, giving him an encouraging pat on the back as I make my way towards the door.

In my office, I make my way straight to the glass wall that offers the best view of Latimer city. The meeting has not been a total flop, and I couldn’t be prouder of this team. They are working their asses off to get the project off the ground. Everything is going well, and in no time, All4One is going to debut amongst the rich folks. I am going to provide dating comfort for them in exchange for their money. It is going to work out well for both parties.

* * *

The first thing that occurs to me the moment I jerk awake is that my home is being burgled. With shaky hands, I reach for my phone. My parents went to some concert thing out of town. They sounded very excited about and are going to be back early in the morning. When the thump against the front door sounds again, I muffle a scream with my hand.

Should I call Aaron?What if the psycho trying to get in decides to get physical and causes real harm? Aaron might never get here in time... Wait, Mitch can help. Oh, why didn't I think of Mitch sooner?

Glad Mitch had given me his contact information during my first week, I quickly dial him, heart slamming against my chest.

“Hello,” Mitch rasps, voice low and scratchy.

“There's some psycho on my door trying to get in,” I practically sob into the phone while tamping down the guilt of waking him up at almost midnight.


“Yes. Hurry, please, Mitch,” I beg, not ready to die. There's so much I have to do. I haven't even gotten my college degree or found true love yet. If someone kills me—

“Beth? Beth! Can you hear me?” Mitch questions, sounding less sleepy and more alert.


“Stay where you are. Do not move an inch, do you hear me?” His voice, deep and authoritative, calms my racing pulse a little. “I'm coming to get you.”

Less than two minutes later, a loud knock rattles my front door. I creep downstairs, but not before picking up my black Stilettos. If it turns out to not be Mitch on the other side of the door, I’m not going down without a fight.

“Beth? Can you hear me?” Another knock. “Open up, Beth.”

I hurry to the door and push the latch, allowing Mitch into the house. I throw my arms around Mitch's neck before I realize I'm doing it. He rubs my back soothingly.

“You're safe,” he murmurs.

“Did you see them?” I ask him as I reluctantly step out of his arms.

Mitch smiles. “I don't think your house was about to be burgled.”

“Why do you say that? I heard something,” I tell him, irritation coloring my tone.

“Honey, I saw footprints, and I can tell you it wasn't a psycho trying to get in. I think it's a stray dog,” he says. “There are paw prints all over your front yard. Maybe, he needed shelter and food.”

This time, my heart clenches from guilt.

Moving toward the couch I sit, too relieved and embarassed to do anything else.

“Are you okay?” Mitch questions, concern clear in his voice, as he moves toward the couch to sit opposite me.

“I am now.”

“Good, you're safe now.” Mitch's voice is incredibly lower, which causes my eyes to snap to his, a very wrong move on my part because the sheer want in his eyes causes my pulse to hammer, and this time, not from fear. I swallow hard, attempting to look away from those gleaming orbs and finding out that I can't. Mitch's eyes hold mine captive for minutes, and then with a leisure movement, they run over my body.
