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God, after living a reality that beat my fantasies hands down, I miserably wonder how in the world I will ever go back to pretending that Mitch isn't phenomenal.

“So, I'll see you tomorrow,” he says, moving to the door.

I watch him, suppressing the urge to call out to him with every fiber of my being. When he pauses on the doorknob, whirls around, and comes back to land a sweet kiss on my lips, I break into a large grin, flopping against my bed the moment the door closes behind him. Indeed, Mitch is certainly phenomenal.



As I hurry toward the elevator, I’m feeling completely out of breath, but exhilarated. My skin is flushed and my hands still feel tingly. I greet the receptionist with a large grin and hurry towards my office.

“Good morning,” Mateo says the moment I make my way into our little office.

“Good morning,” I smile back.

Cynthia, the second person in the staff Mitch assigned to my unit smiles in greeting too, eyes trailing over my shirt.

“There's so much to do today,” I tell them, ignoring Cynthia's amused stare.

“I need a cup of coffee for that,” Mateo says, already making his way toward the door, where he turns to give me and Cynthia an expectant stare.

“A cup of espresso for me and a latte for Cynthia, please,” I answer his unasked question.

Cynthia nods at the order, which is the only type of coffee she ever takes. And the moment the door shuts behind Mateo, Cynthia turns teasing eyes on me.

“Spent the night at your boyfriend's? I see!”

I blush hard. “I d-didn't do that, Cynthia. Why do you say that?”

Cynthia laughs.

“Honey, nothing embarrassing about that,” she says and then proceeds to give me a playful wink, fingers pointing at my shirt all buttoned wrong. “Plus, you're redder than a tomato right now.”

I duck my head bashfully, hurrying quickly to the bathroom, where I do my buttons properly.

After that mind-blowing sex, I find his gaze lingering on me even longer; in meetings, across the office, in the break room, his eyes stay on my body far longer than is necessary, and a couple of times, I wonder if the other staff has noticed. Mitch even invites me into his office more often to ask the most mundane questions.

My skirts have gotten shorter and my blouses sexier; my makeup a little more pronounced. The knowledge that Mitch still wants me after our first night together bolsters me up. I constantly ensure that I look him in the eyes when I speak up in meetings and I even witnessed him completely lose his train of thought twice in a meeting. Watching him stumble over his words as I shot him lustful looks had been hilarious and I'd basked in the effect I have over him.

But just now, Mitch's control had completely snapped, deciding that the files I'd requested could wait as he'd taken me right against the door.

My knees weaken thinking about it as I stare at myself in the mirror, shaking my head to clear the fog of lust. I have to focus, there are priorities.

I make my way back to the office where Cynthia gives me a softer smile this time.

"Productive meeting?"

I nod, blushing again. Even though I am aware that Cynthia does not know that I have just hooked up with the boss, I cannot help but feel giddy.

“You look happy,” Cynthia observes. “Is he that good?”

This time, the blush that sweeps through my entire body is more than evident.

“Um, yes. He is,” I answer. “But I don't think that sort of conversation is appropriate,” I say, trying to establish boundaries in our conversation. I am, after all, her boss; having this sort of conversation is weirdly inappropriate, right? Even though Cynthia has never outrightly done anything to question my authority, I cannot help but feel that this is not the sort of conversation I should allow to flow between us.

“Calm your jets, girl! We’re just having a bit of girl talk. It’s not like you’re sleeping with the boss,” she pouts. “If one of us is getting the action, at least allow me to live vicariously through you.”

This time, I laugh nervously, my cheeks turning flush. My shoulders relax as I make my way towards my desk, stacked high with files and notes.
