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“Mitch? Beth?”

My eyes close, and my cheeks flame for an entirely different reason from what we'd been doing just seconds earlier.

“What are you doing with my sister?” Aaron half growls as he steps into the room, flicking on the light so that I have no other choice but to take in his furious gaze.

“What the fuck, Mitch? You're banging my sister?” he shouts, advancing toward Mitch, fists balled.

I immediately center myself in front of Mitch before I know it, hands held up.

“Aaron, no.”

My hands shake visibly, and my heart hammers so hard that I momentarily wonder if it'll beat out of my chest. But Mitch is already stepping out from behind me, eyes trained on Aaron's. He doesn't look the least bit scared, and not at all as if he's braced for a fight.

“You know she's still in college, right?” Aaron half screams.

“Aaron, let's take this outside,” Mitch says, moving quickly out of the room, Aaron hot on his heels. I hurry after them, fingers cold, heart filled with dread. Emily, who had been trailing the hallway, suddenly catches sight of us and hurries over.

“What's the matter?” she asks as she watches Mitch retreat.

“It's, um, complicated,” I tell her without pausing. This could blow up very quickly. And if something happens, it won't look too good. For God's sake, there are journalists covering the whole thing. My heart thrums harder, and for the first time, I realize why Mitch had been trying so hard to keep away from me. For the first time, I understand everything.



“What the actual hell, Mitch? My sister?” Aaron screeches the moment we reach the landing.

When Mitch does not attempt to reply, Aaron slams him against the wall hard, fingers moving up his throat. Panic rises like a volcano within me, and I throw myself against Aaron, pushing him away from Mitch with surprising strength.

“Don't do something you'll regret, Aaron.”

Mitch thankfully moves away, hands in the universal act of surrender. And when Aaron takes a step in his direction, Emily pulls him by his sleeves. “Babe, no. You're not being reasonable right now,” she whispers.

Aaron turns to her with rage in his eyes.

“Stay out of this, Emily."

There's instant regret as Aaron's eyes slightly widen, and he apologetically tries to pull Emily close, but she sidesteps him and moves back into the building.

Mitch looks over at me, eyes filled with concern.

“Are you alright?” he questions, walking over to me. Even though Aaron is just a small distance away, looking like he would like nothing more than to pummel him, Mitch still tries to ensure I'm okay, something I nod to.

“I need to speak to my brother. Alone,” I tell him.

Mitch doesn't turn away, but lingers, eyes riveted on mine.

“Are you sure?”

I chuckle. “He's my brother. Go on, I can handle him,” I joke, but the line falls flat.

Mitch, who doesn't crack a smile, moves away, but not before sending Aaron a glance. Aaron returns his stare with a glare, shooting daggers into his back until he completely disappears from sight. And then he turns to me, eyes filled with so much anger and disappointment.

“I cannot believe you, Beth. You're fucking my best friend?”

I look away from the sea of hurt in Aaron's eyes, unable to stand it, lacking words to defend myself with.

“Out of all the men? Mitch? My God, when did this even happen? Was it when you were still a teenager? Were you hooking up with him then?”
