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“I saw it on the news,” she replies, completely ignoring my question. Her voice sounds considerably warmer when she says it. “You did an incredible job.”

This time, a ball of warmth goes through me, making me feel oddly good.

“Thank you,” I tell her as I begin to make my way to the room.

Hesitating for a second, I ask, “Has father seen it?”

Even though I have managed for the past month to convince myself that his opinion does not matter, this moment right here on the phone with my mother proves that I didn’t succeed.

“He, unfortunately, has not. But I'll be sure to pass the—"

“No,” I cut her off. “Don't tell him.”

“Why not? He deserves to know.”

Does he? Does he really?

I wish I could ask her that, but I don't. I don't want this phone call to turn sour. She's making an effort, something that father has not attempted.

“He will when the time comes,” I say, knowing that this may sound a bit weird, but mother at least seems to concede.

“Okay, if you say so,” she says, and then immediately adds, “I better go. Take care of yourself.”

Glad that she did not bring up the subject of Latimer or any of those questions that had caused an altercation on our last phone call, I mutter, “Alright,” as I begin to unbutton my shirt on one hand.

When she hangs up, I allow the phone to remain against my ear a second longer before throwing it on the bed, watching as it bounces once, twice, and finally settles.

As I slip beneath the covers, an unbidden image of Beth, head thrown back, mouth agape, flashes through my mind. She had wanted me so much that she was willing to be taken right there in my office. And as I force my eyes closed to catch a bit of sleep, I realize that I'd wanted nothing more than to claim her body too. It sucked that things had not quite gone the way we both wanted.



The moment I step into the office, I just know that something is off, and it's not just because my staff looks gloomy enough that I can tell it's more than just a hangover. There's some sort of tension in the atmosphere, a type I’ve never sensed before.

Confused and filled with dread, I move into my office to find a somber-looking Sam, whose eyes slightly widen the moment they meet mine.

“What's going on?” I ask him without preamble.

Sam shakes his head, eyes already filled with pity, and then, suddenly, I don't need him to tell me anymore. I immediately realize that whatever has Sam looking like this has something to do with the newly launched app.

I stride towards my open laptop and turn it on, resisting the urge to pace as it boots. When it comes on, my biggest, darkest fear comes to to life. I swallow a ball of pain and ask Sam, shocked that my voice does not quaver, “Call for an urgent meeting with all the department heads in five.”

“Mr. Bridges, I might not be able to summon everyone before—"

“If you do not do as I say, I'm going to throw you out this window.” I can feel my hands beginning to shake with rage.

What the fuck went wrong between last night and this morning?

I do not see Sam run out the door because I am already pacing, hands weaving through my hair in despair. Everything was perfect last night. The launch had been smooth; there'd been no hitch whatsoever. Had there been anyone who'd forgotten to do their bid? I shake my head as anger bubbles inside of me. My heartbeat hammers so hard I wonder if I'm about to have a heart attack, which is why I turn to the window and take deep calming breaths until my pulse settles and my head no longer throbs.

When Sam returns, his eyes are wide, with patent fear in them, and for a second, I feel guilty for taking some of my rage out on him.

“Mr. Bridges, I've assembled all departmental heads,” he tells me, but I'm already striding towards the conference room where everyone has settled. I don't allow my eyes to linger on anyone as I take my seat. I know that, by now, everyone knows what has happened. And from the look on their faces, it looks like I was the last one, which is something that makes me want to put a dent in the table.

“You all know why you've been summoned,” I begin as I relax against the chair. “This can be remedied, can't it?”

Watching as they all give vigorous nods, my eyes take in Beth, who looks very put together in a sheer blouse that showcases milky skin and a midnight sleeveless top beneath. Her hair shines, falling on either side of her shoulder. I tear my gaze away from her. The last thing I should be doing right now is noticing what Beth is wearing or how goddamn fine her hair is.
