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“And how long do you think you'd enjoy that wealth until it's completely blown out?”

Sam gulps. “I just... he was very intimidating. I couldn't say no. I didn't feel like I could. I never wanted to betray you. Mitchell, please,” he begs, tears springing to his eyes.

I chuckle bitterly.

"God, I trusted you.” Something resembling pain flashes in his eyes. I turn away from him, moving towards the door. When I pull it open again, I tell him, “I’m getting security to escort you out. Pack up, you're done here. Enjoy the money he gave you, because you won’t see another cent from me.”

“Mitchell,” he cries, moving toward me, real desperation and fear evident in his eyes.

“I have been doing a marvelous job of controlling myself, Sam. If you so much as take another step in my direction, you'll be wheeled out of here. I assure you of that.”

Sam freezes on the spot. Pushing the door open, I simply say, “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.” I slam the door so hard behind me that the entire wall vibrates, and then I move purposefully to the elevator. It is time to meet father.



When I get behind the wheel, I discover that my hands still shake, which is why I clutch the steering wheel harder than I usually would, stepping on the gas pedal and watching as the world passes by me in a blur.

What would he profit from sabotaging All4One? Was this all to prove a point?

I cannot believe that I have forgotten how completely toxic my father can be lately. I briefly wonder if my mother is aware. She had not hinted at anything that could point in that direction yesterday. But I'd greatly underestimated the lengths my father will go to just to ensure I stay in his shadow, and end up like him, because I know what this is. A power play of some sort.

Shaking my head, I can’t help but ask myself why he would take so much pleasure in fighting me when he could be out there fighting his direct competitors. I never really understood why my father did certain things, and this is one of them. But I’m going to find out. I know where he is on a Tuesday morning, which is why I go straight to his New York office.

The security guy takes one look at me and allows me in without a pass. Taking the elevator, my heart beats with each moment that takes me closer and closer to him. I step out onto his floor, and since I know this place like the back of my hand, I bypass reception, moving through a round of stairs that leads me to the break room. There is no one milling about, but Harrison catches sight of me, and I see his eyes widen in surprise.

“Here to see father,” is all I say, making my way straight for his office. I don't pause to take in art on the walls. I move with purpose to the large oak door at the end of the hallway, rapping once and pushing it open.

“...It's the only option we have to ensure that the rest of his shares are completely bought over—" Father is saying to a pair of bald heads seated in front of him in his luxurious office. There's a pause when his assistant's eyes widen, and the bald men seated in front of his desk look at me with interest.

Father is sitting in a very expensive chair that looks almost throne-like, which almost makes me scoff. He has always been very extreme. Even more so lately, so the throne-like chair should not even come as a surprise.

“You cannot be here,” Alice says, but I glare at her and watch as she wilts right in front of me, managing a little squeak and scurrying away. When I turn back to my father, there's amusement in his eyes, and he looks almost impressed. I give the men a nod in greeting.

“I wish to speak to my father alone.”

“I am in the middle of a very important meeting, Mitch,” Father says, looking at me for the first time. “Surely, whatever you came for can wait.”

“No, father. It can’t.”

I never stood up to my father like this before, and I wonder if my stubbornness will have consequences. But then I remember I don’t live under his rule anymore and he needs to understand that.

Father stares at me for what appears to be minutes, then returns to the men in front of him with an apologetic smile. “I'm afraid our meeting will have to be adjourned. Please forgive us.”

The men nod, automatically pushing themselves to their feet. They look a little relieved, or am I simply projecting? But then, I am glad that my father does not offer to make introductions. I do know that anyone who runs in my father's inner circle knows his sons.

“I detest interruptions. What you've come here for had better be good.” Father says this while leaning back in his chair, his stomach proudly jutting out and molding itself against the pricey Italian shirt that was custom-made for him; his hair brushed back with evident hints of gray. I'm pretty sure he'll be visiting his stylist soon.

“You know damn well that I wouldn't be here if you hadn't gotten all up in my business,” I say, leaning over the desk, both of my hands placed on the desk.

“Becoming feisty, I see. What did those locals feed you? Audacity?” He chuckles at his own joke, looking very much like he's having loads of fun at my expense. Do I look like a joke to him?

“I did not come here to be made fun of. I need to know why you would plant a mole in my company.”

Father scoffs. “A mole? Do you know what that even means? The young man was too dumb for that. I merely wired him a few dollars to get that little task done.” He shrugs as if we were casually discussing the weather.

I suppress a shudder. “Why did you do it?” I ask in a voice that has gone suddenly quiet. This man is supposed to love and protect me, but all he has done lately is insult me, give me orders, and now, tried to ruin my life’s work.
