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'Please,' said Re'lah, 'you must need refreshment after your long journey.'

Of course she knew the airship was well appointed—Fyia had stolen it from her father, after all—but Fyia graciously accepted, and they filed inside the ancient Temple of the Sea Serpent.

Fyia could barely contain herself during the two turns of insufferable small talk that followed. The Prince and Princess plied them with tea and sweet treats in the open space just inside the temple's entrance, referring not once to their father, or his whereabouts.

'Where are the priestesses?' Fyia asked, her patience running thin. She could still feel Cal's mouth all over her, and it was infuriating she couldn't so much as look at him, lest she give away his importance to their enemy.

'They … left,' said the Princess, becoming uncomfortable.

'Where did they go?' asked Adigos. He seemed to have taken a liking to the woman. Fyia quite liked her too, given she seemed to be hiding razor sharp intelligence behind her beauty. She had the quiet ferocity of a woman frequently underestimated, and Fyia would not do her that disservice. Her brother, on the other hand, was a dunce. An entitled, opinionated, self-important one, which made him all the more dangerous, especially given he was next in line to the throne.

'I do not know,' said Re'lah.

Cal moved to a table laden with food, and Fyia joined him there as Adigos engaged the Princess further.

'I wish I knew how to use my magic,' Fyia said in a low voice, pretending to deliberate between two bite-sized pastries. 'Maybe then I could control the Emperor's mind, and make him do my bidding.'

Cal picked up a slice of pineapple, still apparently fascinated by the fruits of warmer climes. 'Much as I'd like to see what you'd do to the poor Emperor,' he said, 'it's probably for the best … the power would go to your head.'

'It would not,' she said, in mock outrage. 'But imagine if I could click my fingers and make him disappear.'

'Is that possible?' said Cal, glancing at her in surprise.

Fyia hid her chuckle. 'Probably not, but it would be fun. Maybe someone's already done so …'

Cal smirked.

'How much longer do you think he'll keep us waiting?'

Footsteps sounded from the direction of the inner sanctum, and they swung their heads to see who approached. Fyia's wolves sniffed the air, and she used their senses to enhance her own. 'It's the woman we found on the airship,' said Fyia. 'We believe her to be close to the Emperor. She's … eccentric.'

The short woman appeared at the tunnel entrance and grinned wildly, her hair in disarray around her face. Was she some strange court jester? The woman scanned the room, and when her eyes found Fyia, she laughed wildly.

Edu and Sensis moved closer, and Cal went very still, as did Fyia. Was this meeting nothing more than payback for stealing the airship, and imprisoning the Emperor's messenger? Who was this woman?

The woman came closer, her steps surprisingly neat, compact, precise, until she stood only six paces away. Edu and Sensis stood by Fyia's side, and her wolves snarled out a warning.

'Your Majesty,' said the woman. She bowed low, holding her arm out in a flourish. 'Sucha pleasure to see you again.' The woman's mismatched eyes flicked up to Fyia's while she was still in a bow. Something about the woman was dangerous, some sense of awareness prickling along Fyia's skin.

The woman's mouth snarled into a smile. 'I thought so,' she said, cryptically, then stood. She whirled away in a perfectly balanced pirouette, clapping her hands loudly. 'May I introduce … the Emperor.' She announced the words, clapping her hands again, and then a tall, fat, dark-haired man stepped into the room.

Fyia hadn't heard him approach, nor had her wolves sensed him, yet two columns of people filed into the room, fanning out along the walls. Did the Emperor have magic? Or have others around him who did?

Jewelry dripped from the Emperor, his clothes brightly colored and finely spun, a large, elaborately decorated fan in his chubby fist. The Emperor's children bowed low and stayed there. The Emperor sized up Fyia, who wore only her usual tunic and close-fitting pants—albeit one of her finest examples—her hair scraped back into a regal bun.

The Emperor waved his fan, and his children stood, their faces careful masks of calm serenity. Fyia couldn't help but wonder about their lineage. The Princess was tall, with dark skin and hair, but the Prince was short and fair. She knew the Emperor had multiple wives, so she presumed they had different mothers … were the children rivals, or friends?

'Your Majesty,' said the Emperor. His eyes roamed across Fyia's body.

'Your Excellency,' said Fyia, matching his tone.

'Let us sit,' said the Emperor. Members of his entourage jumped to do his bidding, clearing a huge round table of food, and bringing heavy wooden chairs.

Fyia's entourage took one side, some sitting, some standing, and the Emperor took the other, only he and his children taking seats. Venir and Cal sat on either end of Fyia's side, and she was glad for the round table, for it meant she could see their faces.

Fyia waited for the Emperor to start, but he took his time, looking at each person on her side for several moments, then studying Fyia for quite some time before opening his mouth. She sat, spine straight, shoulders back, and scrutinized him in return.

'I have something you want,' the Emperor said eventually.
