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'She's interesting,' said Zhura, cracking open an ale for herself. 'I'll give you that much.'

'No one's saying otherwise,' said Aaron, his eyes going wide. 'She conquered five Gods-damned kingdoms—and my, but she's no warrior—only the Warrior herself knows how she managed it … but that doesn't mean you shouldfraternizewith the woman.'

'She's magic- and fire-touched,' said Zhura, 'and has a Cruaxee … that probably has something to do with it.'

'Yeah, and she has good people,' said Aaron. 'That guard—Edu—he looks like a flake, but there's something about him that scares me …'

'He was spying last night,' agreed Zhura. 'He's not stupid.'

'Why did you take her to the Queen Mother?' said Aaron, finally addressing Cal, who had returned his gaze to the roof.

'Oh, sorry, did you need me for this conversation?'

Zhura rolled her eyes. 'Answer the question.'

'Things were … uncertain in the tavern last night. Putting the Queen of the Five Kingdoms under the Queen Mother's protection seemed prudent.'

'You think it's wise to let that witch spend time alone with a foreign Queen?' said Aaron.

Cal breathed deeply. 'She's loyal.'

Aaron scoffed. 'That woman is loyal only to herself.'

'She wants what's best for the Black Hoods,' said Cal. 'It's what she's always wanted … at the cost of all else.'

'What if she deems the Queen of the Five Kingdoms best for the Black Hoods?' said Zhura.

Cal stared his cousin down. 'Are you implying I don't know how to deal with the Queen Mother?' he said darkly

'No,' said Zhura. 'But she's crafty, and you have a lot on your plate, and Fyia seems crafty too …'

'Zhura … both of you … let it go. Fyia knows nothing we need fear. She can't use her magic … she doesn't even know how to control her Cruaxee.'

'Not yet,' said Aaron. 'But she's a looker … won't be long until she finds someone to teach her.'

'Better hope that teacher is friendly to the Black Hoods,' said Zhura.

'Her teacher is most definitely that,' said Cal.

They both went still, fixing him with intense eyes.

'I have agreed to teach the Queen about her Cruaxee …' His bear pulled angrily on their bond, but he couldn't bring himself to regret what he'd done. He'd touched Fyia with his Cruaxee without thought, because he'd … needed to, but he knew he couldn't trust her. She was here for her own ends, nothing more. She'd shown no respect for him or his people, turning up as she had, and she chased glory.

He would teach her, yes, because he'd touched her with his magic, but he would hold her at arm's length then send her on her way. No more flirting, or touching … he would not get caught in her net of dreams and destruction.

'You've … what?' said Zhura.

'Goddess' tits,' said Aaron.

'I'll teach her the basics—so she is no longer a danger to herself—then send her back to the south.'

'Uh huh,' said Zhura, watching him closely.

'And while I'm doing that,' said Cal, 'keep an eye on Edu, and the rest of her guards. I don't want them snooping around.'

Edu escorted Fyia to the library—another half-submerged building in the center of town. The day already felt long, yet it was barely midday, and the town was in the full swing of daily business, the streets filled with market stalls selling all manner of interesting things: leather clothes and satchels, honey, candles, antlers, furs, dried meat, hot food, nuts and berries, ink and parchment.

Boisterous voices—both male and female—rang through the air, and Fyia couldn't help but smile as a woman loudly scolded her husband. This was what she wanted for her own kingdom … for women to own enterprises and have autonomy, free to demand a fair price for their wares, for them not to have to bow and scrape to their men. It was possible. She'd always known it was, and here was proof, in the flesh.
