Page 6 of Choosing Her

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“Did it dead end?”

“It did for Ruiz. He’s locked up now. For the rest of his damn life. And of all the fucked up illegal things he’d done. They got him on some trumped-up bull shit, by a crooked cop, a lying trick, and a smooth setup. They tried to take us all down. But he took the fall for us. Saying he deserved it for crimes he’d done but that he wanted the rest of us, to take it as a lesson and move on. So that’s what we did.”

“That’s why you guys came to Stone’s Throw?”

“Yeah, it’s beautiful and small. Far away from the trouble, we’d been around. It sucks that we can’t see Ruiz, but he doesn’t want us to. He wants us to move on. Leave the life and live life. The only one he allows to see him is Rector.”

“And your family?”

“Only had my mom and sister. My mom passed away two years ago, and I haven’t seen my sister in even longer. She used to kick it with Renegade. But then one day she broke it off. Said the life wasn’t for her and took off. She’d always been wild, and we’d never been close. Not when I’d been so busy trying to prove I was a tough guy and that the shit people said about me didn’t hurt.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Nope, don’t want your pity.” He couldn’t resist leaning down and nipping her juicy lips. Maybe pity wasn’t so bad if it kept her soft and nestled like a kitten against him. “I need you to understand. When we moved here, we were all looking to change our lives. Live our lives. You can’t live your life riding up and down the highway. Even the fiercest bikers have a home base. And the heart needs the same. It can wander up and down all kinds of roads, but it needs a place to call home. Marley had been talking about you all week. And I liked what I heard. I knew you were coming to pick her up last night, and I was curious. Wondering what you’d look like, and then you walked in. And damn sugar, my heart dropped. I knew you were there for Marley, but it felt like you were there for me too. Like I finally had a home again.”

“You think I’m your home?”

She still didn’t get it. “Iknowit. Know it like my name, like my tats, like my brothers, like my bike. Iknowit. And I know you’re not there yet. But…”

“I’m there.” Now his eyes were probing. Dammit, she better be sure. He’d thought she understood last night. Fuck it, even if she wasn’t sure, as long as she gave him enough time to show her… “Rebel, I’m sure.” Her soft hand cupped his cheek. “It feels crazy. Scary. Amazing. Like, could this be true? You watch those old couples on tv or read about them in the newspaper. You read about how they knew instantly, and they’ve been together ever since. I read about this Hollywood couple. He said she invited him for a one-night stand. And she says she did, but that afterward he never left. And that’s how I feel.” Her soft chocolate eyes melted his. “Ihadto leave. Because I neverwantto leave.”

He dipped down to take those lips again. Lick the caramel and suck her sweetness into his mouth and own it. “And I’d never let you.” He made his words into a vow. A promise. A tattoo.

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