Page 106 of The Wreckage of Us

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“Hey, Ian, it’s me,” I said with a shaky voice.

“Good. You made it home?”

“Yup, I’m here safe and sound. There’s just one thing ... I, um, I ... I ...” My words fumbled against my tongue as I covered my mouth with my hand to conceal my tears.

“Haze? What is it?” Ian asked, growing concerned.

“Spit that shit out,” Charlie ordered in a low tone.

“I—it was great seeing you, Ian. Truly, it was, but after seeing the world you’re creating out there, I realize that there’s not much space for me in it anymore.”

“Wait ... what?”

“I just think it’s best if we end it now, before your career takes off. I’m sorry. I just can’t be with you anymore. I can’t be in this relationship.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Hazel? We’re good. We’re so fucking good. We made love this morning, and everything was fine. You left and said you loved me. Tell me what’s happening here. What’s really going on?”

“Nothing. I just had a lot of time to reflect on the flight home, and it’s clear we’re going two different ways. My life is here on the ranch, and yours is out there in the world. It’s best that we end it now.”

“You can’t say this,” Ian started.

“Hang up,” Charlie said, shoving me in the arm, making me tremble even more.

I can’t,I mouthed.

“Hang up now, or I walk out with your sister,” he threatened.

With a pained heart, I clicked the phone off as Ian was still begging for answers to my sudden change of heart.

“Good girl,” Charlie whispered, rubbing his hand against my neck, sending chills down my spine. “Here. Take this bitch,” he said, handing Rosie over to me. “It’s been nice doing business with you. Garrett, get your ass up, and let’s go.”

Garrett did as his uncle said and stumbled toward the front door.

Charlie turned back to glance at me, and then he looked down at the carpet. “Half a cup of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of ammonia. That will get the bloodstain out of your nice carpet.”

Then he left, leaving me there sobbing against Rosie. Our tears intermixed as she howled in sadness.

My phone kept ringing with Ian’s name popping up on the screen, but I didn’t dare answer it. Even if all I wanted was to hear his voice.

Three days later, Ian was back in Eres, standing in front of me with confusion and heartache in his eyes. “Did Max say something to you? Did he try to push you away?” he asked as we stood near the shed late that evening.

Oh, Ian ...

Please don’t make this harder than it has to be.

“It’s not that,” I said. “I just feel like we aren’t right for each other.”

“No one’s more right for one another, Haze. It’s us. But I’m so confused. I feel like you’re talking as if you don’t believe in us anymore. As if you don’t think we can figure this out.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. “That’s because I don’t think we can. I’m sorry, Ian. My life shifted, and I need to learn to accept the way it is shaping up. I’m coming to terms that my responsibility in life now is to look after my sister. And I’m coming to terms that you and me can’t be—”

“Don’t,” he begged, shaking his head. “Don’t say it.”

“Ian. We can’t do this anymore. I can’t be yours, and you can’t be mine.”

“You’re running away before you even give us a fair chance. I know things have been crazy lately, and I know we haven’t found our footing yet, but we just need more time.”

“You’re right. We need time to let go of the idea of us. You’re an amazing person, Ian Parker, and you have so many outstanding things coming your way. But I refuse to be the girl who gets in the way of your dreams. I know you say I won’t, but I know I will. Especially with Rosie. So I’m ending this. I’m breaking up with you because I care too much about you to keep this going.”
