Page 128 of The Wreckage of Us

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“Thank you,” I spat out before Big Paw could chew the doctor a new one. Judging by the fire in my grandfather’s eyes, he had a few choice words he would’ve likely used. “Can we see her?”

“She’s being transported back to her room. A nurse will notify you when you can go in.”

I thanked him again, and he stood there, almost seeming dumbfounded. I cocked an eyebrow. “Is there something else ...?”

“Uh, well, yes and no. Not about your grandmother, but ...” He scratched at the side of his head. “You’re Ian Parker, right? You guys are the Wreckage? My daughter is the biggest fan of you all. Would it be completely inappropriate to ask for a photograph?”

“Yes,” Hazel cut in, stepping a few feet in front of me, blocking me from the doctor as if she were my bodyguard. “That would be highly inappropriate and extremely unprofessional.”

The doctor grimaced and walked away.

“What a piece of work.” Big Paw blew out, still shaking his head. “The things these people are putting Holly through is driving me crazy,” he said, sitting back down in his chair. “I just want to take my girl home with me.”

It shattered my heart watching how broken Big Paw was becoming. It was as if he hadn’t a clue how to exist without Grams by his side. Without her, Big Paw could hardly breathe.

“It’s going to be okay, Big Paw,” I echoed once again, hoping I wasn’t telling a lie. But I knew that was what Grams would want me to say.

Everything’s going to be all right.



“Can I get you anything?” Hazel asked as she held Rosie in her arms. It was wild to me how big the little girl had gotten over the past few months. “I was going to go to the cafeteria and see if I could find a coffee or something.”

I grimaced. “I’m good.”

James cleared his throat. “Maybe you could go with her, Ian, and grab us chums some food. I’m starving. Hazel, we can watch Rosie for you if you want.” James cocked an eyebrow toward me as if telling me to go with Hazel unless I wanted to continue being a dumbass for the rest of my life.

“Are you sure?” Hazel asked. “She can be quite a handful.”

“Lucky for me, I have big hands.” He stood up to grab Rosie from Hazel, and she thanked him for the help.

I stood up from my chair and stuffed my hands into my pockets as I began walking down the long hallway with Hazel. God, even with all the time that had passed, she still drove me crazy whenever she was near me. She made my heart beat erratically every single time she stole a glance my way. I noticed every time she looked, too, because I hadn’t been able to pull my eyes away from her.

We were both quiet, but I felt her nerves filling the space. Or perhaps it was my own nervous energy. I couldn’t tell anymore whose feelings were whose. She rubbed her hand up and down her arm as she gave me a small smile. “I know you’re probably worried about your grandmother, but you don’t have to be. She’s a fighter. And you were right when you told Big Paw that if it’s not okay, it’s not the end. I think he needed to hear that. I think it’s true too.”

I clasped and unclasped my hands repeatedly as I kept walking down the hall. Holy hell, where was this cafeteria? On the other side of the planet?

“Can we talk about anything other than Grams right now? It’s too heavy and hard.”

She nodded. “What do you want to talk about?”

“Us. Let’s talk about us. What was the hardest part of being apart to you?”

“The hardest thing in the world was not being able to reach out to you when I had a bad day. Or talk to you when things went well. I missed you so much, Ian, and for a long time I convinced myself my missing you was one sided. I convinced myself that you were happy and living your dreams to the fullest. I needed to do that in order to keep myself from reaching out. But I’ve written you a million messages in my notepad, updating you on things. Letting you know what was going on in my world.”

“I still want to know everything, and this time, I’m not going to let you go. We will have our forever kind of love story. The kind of love Big Paw and Grams share. I’m going to grow old with you, Hazel Stone.”

She stood there completely still, her lips parted as if she were stunned by what I’d just said. I knew it would probably take her some time to wrap her head around it all. I knew she’d need time to let it settle in, but I didn’t care.

She was going to be my happy ending, and I was going to be hers. I didn’t have plans on going anywhere anytime soon.

“Hey, you guys,” a voice said, snapping us from our conversation. We looked down the hall to see James holding a sleeping Rosie in his arms. “Holly’s awake if you want to go see her.”

“Okay.” I nodded, and before we started heading in the direction of Grams, I lightly placed my hand on Hazel’s forearm. “Just to be clear, Hazel, you’re beautiful. You’re so beautiful it makes my chest ache. I love you. Fully, hopelessly, greedily.”

Her lips parted, and a small sound escaped her. “I love you too.”
