Page 29 of The Wreckage of Us

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It’d been four weeks since Mama and Charlie had kicked me out, and I hadn’t been able to really come to grips with it all. Each day, I still worried about Mama’s health and well-being. Each day, I thought about her and prayed that she was okay. When it all became too heavy on my heart, I headed for their house to check in on how she was doing after I finished my work shift.

I knew there would be hell to pay if Charlie caught me stopping by, but I didn’t care.

I showed up with groceries for Mama’s fridge, and when I knocked on the door, I heard her shuffling around.

“Who is it?” she called out.

“It’s me, Mama. It’s Hazel.”

The movements sounded more hurried, and when she opened the door, I gasped at the sight of her. The groceries in my hand crashed to the ground as I stepped forward. “Mama! What happened to you?” I breathed out, taking in her battered and bruised face. Her left eye was almost sealed shut, and her wrists were black and blue.

“Don’t make a fuss,” she warned, waving me off. “Charlie and I just got into an altercation. I made a mistake with his business, and I should’ve done better.”

“What? No,” I said, barging into the house. “No matter the issue, he has no right to put his hands on you, Mama. It’s not right, and we really should get you checked out. Let me take you to the hospital.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m not going to the hospital. I’m fine.”

“We need to make sure the baby is okay, though, Mama. Please.”

She lowered her head, and I saw the hurting in her heart. There was a struggle going on in her head. I couldn’t imagine what was going through her mind, though. Every now and again, I saw flashes of regret in her eyes that matched mine. My mother had lived a life of struggles, and I saw her battling against her pain every single time she blinked.

“I don’t have that kind of money for a doctor appointment ...,” she started. “I ain’t got no insurance, and Charlie will be upset if a bill comes through for it.”

“I’ll cover the cost. Really, Mama. Let me help you.”

She was seconds away from agreeing. Seconds away from doing the right thing for her and for the baby, but before she could speak, Charlie walked up behind me. I turned to see his eyes widen when he saw me, and he then glared at Mama.

“What the hell is going on here?” he barked.

“I’m taking Mama out for a little bit,” I said, trying my best to not showcase the fear that sat in my throat. Sure, Charlie didn’t look like a threatening man, but I knew the harshness that lived inside him. It wasn’t the first time I’d noticed Mama’s body being bruised at the hands of Charlie, but I’d figured ever since she got pregnant, he wouldn’t hurt her.

I’d been too hopeful believing that Charlie was not the biggest monster.

“Where?” he demanded. “You shouldn’t even be here.”

“I’m allowed to see my mother,” I shot back. “Come on, Mama. Get your things, and let’s go.”

“She isn’t going anywhere with you. Go ahead and make me a pizza, Jean,” he ordered Mama, which made my irritation skyrocket.

“She’s hurt,” I scolded. “I’m taking her to get checked out.”

He cocked an eyebrow and looked at Mama. “You going to a hospital?” he asked, his words low and controlling. “What the hell you going to do, Jean? Turn me in? Say I hurt you?”

She hesitated as she fidgeted with her fingers, looking down at the floor. “Of course not, Charlie.”

“Because I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

The way his words slithered off his tongue made the hairs on my skin stand straight up. Gosh, I hated him so much and despised how he used his authority to control Mama’s thoughts.

“No, you didn’t,” she lied. She blinked her eyes shut and shook her head back and forth. “I tripped. You know I’m clumsy, Hazel.”

No, Mama.

Don’t let him control you like this.
