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Ryder’s eyes flickered with gold. “Not completely, but like any fledgling, until she kills, we consider her a shadow. What is it about her that scares you, Maddock?”

Maddock huffed. “I am not scared of a little girl. I’m concerned about the dissension she will cause. Hell, my son and I are already fighting over her.”

Ryder glanced at Raine. “Your chosen son is remarkable. He kept his alpha in check longer than I thought possible. It’s a compliment to your leadership. He does not wish to challenge you. Remember, Maddock, we are not reaper—we age. We need the next generation. You are blessed to have found your successor. Do not waste the gift you were given.”

Maddock nodded with a rare look of regret. “Your son’s death was a tragedy. I hope another rises to take his place.”

Ryder shook his head. “My son was born to me. A transitioned alpha like Raine is rare.” He frowned before he turned back to Dannika. “Your words concern me.”

She sneered at him. “And my captor’s feelings should concern me?”

He sighed. “We are not your captors, Dannika.”

She pointed at a path in the forest. “So, I can go then?”

Raine growled. “No. You do not understand our protocols or why we have them. The clan leaders are right. We need to reveal your animal.”

She folded her arms. “So, I know what clan I belong to?”

“No. You are mine regardless of what you turn into, but it will help determine the type of training you’ll need. Each species has certain strengths.”

“You’re not getting it. I’m not fighting you or anybody else. I’m not here for your amusement.”

Raine stepped up to her until his nose touched hers. “I assure you—I’m not amused.”

She backed away. “I’m done with this bullshit. You can take your anti-feminist boys’ club and shove it up your ass. I’m leaving.”

She hit the ground before she could turn away.

Maddock had her by the throat. She’d assumed that the shadow warrior strengthened him, but as his fingers bit into her neck, she realized he didn’t need the shadows to kill her.

“This is the reason we should put her down. She is disrespectful of our ways and our leadership,” Maddock said.

Ryder pulled Maddock off Dannika. “While that might be true, your willingness to attack a fledgling and a woman is unseemly. Perhaps you are close to turning reaper yourself?”

Maddock slapped Ryder’s hand from his shirt. “How dare you!”

Ryder glanced between Raine and Steele. “No wonder she is belligerent. You are treating her like a prisoner. She has every right to be upset and emotional. Her human life is over. There has never been a female shadow. We have no blueprint on how to deal with one.”

Maddock growled. “Why take the chance? We have never needed a female shadow. For all you know, she could turn reaper and kill us.”

“Any one of us can turn reaper and slaughter his clan. It has happened before, but she could be the first female breeder in the history of our species.”

Dannika hissed as she rose from the ground. “Not a chance in hell.”

Maddock’s eyes blazed with fire. “Are you out of your God damn mind?”

Dannika threw up her arms. “Well, there you have it. For once, I agree with ass hat wolf. And for the record, I’d rather be a reaper.”


Dannika’s eyes flickered with green fire. “I’m tired of all this posturing. I haven’t been given a decent reason why I can’t return to my human life?”

Raine put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Shadow venom courses through your veins. You must learn the rules before interacting with humans. It is for their safety and ours.”

She had assumed that the clans were controlling. Posturing over one another while protecting humanity. “I would never hurt anyone.”

Raine sighed. “You don’t understand, Dannika. The venom is in your claws and your teeth. You accidentally scratch a human and they begin the transition. You bite them, the same thing. Your working environment is rife for accidents. Your emotions are chaotic the first year after transition. You’ll need to be monitored at all times when leaving the safety of the caves.”
