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Dannika followed Raine to the meeting hall. He said nothing as they strode through the tunnels, but the tightening of his jaw and the way his muscles twitched in his neck alerted her to his concern. While she believed Raine would do anything to protect her, she also believed Maddock would do anything to bring Raine back under his control.

It did not surprise her to find Steele and Ryder sitting at the large oak table in the center of the room. Each had a member of their clan seated beside them.

The room was outfitted with modern decor as long as you ignored the rough rock walls. The candelabra-style lights that hung from the ceiling were bright, and the crystals that hung from them reflected the light like tiny fireflies along the rough surface.

It took her a moment to realize the difference between this meeting and the ones she had hosted at the shelter. Board meetings of any kind always provided glasses of water and trays of sweets or sandwiches. The table was empty. No jugs or glasses. It reminded her it had been a while since she ate. She was mildly hungry but not thirsty.

When had she eaten last?

A massive map of Graydon County and its outlying areas hung on the wall. A large circle was drawn in red over an uninhabited area of the forest. Similar small red circles showed locations within the county. Her eyes narrowed on the circle over Graydon County Shelter.

Raine pulled out the chair at the end of the table, indicating for Dannika to sit. When she sat, he took a spot beside his leader. He used sign language, sending her a quick message to stay calm and follow his lead. She had been the focal point of many inquisitions, and this was no different. The last time she was in this position, a murderer ended up in jail. What would be today’s verdict?

She folded her arms. “Why are we here?”

Maddock’s eyes flared. “I am the head of this table. You wait for me to start the discussion. At this table, you only talk if a leader asks you a question.”

Steele sat forward, leaning on his elbows. “Cut her some slack until Raine trains her. You would not be this hard on her if she were a man.”

Maddock growled. “This is my clan, and unless I release Dannika to the cougar clan, she remains under my rule. I respect your leadership and will take your suggestions under advisement, but this is my house.”

Steele’s eyes flickered. “Your rules could get her killed before we investigate her origins and what her arrival means to all our clans. Do not put our species in jeopardy because you feel threatened by a woman.”

Maddock’s chair flipped over when he stood. He scraped the table with his claws as he leaned toward Steele. “I am afraid of nothing, especially the girl in wolf’s clothing.”

Steele stood, growling at Maddock. “She is also a cougar. I have as much right to her as you do.”

“I decide when her training is complete. She may never be ready.”

Steele sucked in a breath. “You would sabotage her training, just to keep her at fledgling status.”

Ryder shook his head. “Sit down. Both of you. Maddock, what is it about Dannika that concerns you? Is it that she is female or a poly shifter?”

Maddock and Steele resumed their seats.

“We have had poly shifters in the past,” Maddock said. “They were put down. How can you trust a shadow to put his clan first if he belongs to more than one? On that note alone, I distrust her. That she is female is more concerning. Not a single female has survived transition in the entire evolution of our species. What has changed? How can this not concern anyone else at this table?”

Ryder rubbed his beard. “The bears had a different outlook on poly shifters. We revere them. My predecessor theorized a united clan with a poly shifter king. A shadow with the ability to shift into all three species. That never happened, but Dannika’s arrival indicates a shift in our evolution. We would be insane not to interpret her arrival as a warning.”

Raine glanced at Dannika. “What kind of warning?”

Ryder pointed to the map. “Reaper attacks have become rampant in Graydon County. In the past, they attacked to feed. Now they appear to be looking for something.” He glanced at Dannika. “Or someone.”

“You think they are looking for Dannika?” Raine asked.

Ryder clasped his hands on the table. “I have no way to know, but they are winning. More and more shadows turn reaper and fewer males successfully transition. Now we have a woman. If she represents a rebirth of our species, then I guarantee you, the reapers are after her. Honestly, the reapers have us by the balls. If she represents our future, then we must take advantage of it.”

Maddock’s eyes narrowed on Ryder. “What are you suggesting?”

“Dannika is a gift,” Ryder said. “Think of the possibilities. She needs to be trained as a fighter and as quickly as possible. Before you make any assumptions, I do not care which clan she is in.”

Steele sat back in his chair. “It’s more than that. I’ve known you too long. What do you foresee as the outcome of her training?”

“Her blood is a weapon. One we should utilize. We saw what she did to Maddock. What effect would her blood have on a reaper? It’s a question I would like an answer to, but not until she can defend herself against a reaper attack,” Ryder said.

Maddock huffed. “She can’t be trusted. Reaper blades are our greatest weapon and we have so few with them. I will not waste one on a woman who doesn’t know how to fight.”
