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“Okay. Tell me about my animal side. The shadow part I get. It fights to survive, and will do anything to attain that goal, but my wolf feels different. It wants to be with you, a part of the pack. I’ve been a loner for a long time.”

He rubbed her back. “Most clan members who transition struggle with the shadow warrior, not the wolf. Most humans have family and gravitate to the pack environment. Like everything else about you, Dannika, you’re the opposite.”

“I’m weird, I know. Tell me how shifters... mated,” she whispered.

He tipped her chin up. “You’re not weird. You are unaccustomed to the pull of mates. I am as well. It is something I never dared to dream of having. You are a miracle. A gift beyond any price. Never forget what you mean to me.”

She swallowed hard. “When you put it that way...”

“Before the shifters merged with the shadow souls, they recognized their mates instantly. I’m told it was like finding the other half of your being. A feeling of completeness. A shifter’s single motivating factor was to find their mate and produce the next generation. To love and be loved.”

“It sounds so simple and so wonderful. I don’t understand how they could risk their future by joining with demon souls.”

Raine looked down. “They didn’t have a choice. Humanity would have been destroyed, and with it, their future. As I said, many of the mates were human.”

Her heart wept for the decision the shifters of the past had to make. How could anyone make that kind of sacrifice? Not just their own soul, but that of every shifter. An entire species bound to the shadows in order to save humanity.

“You said only the males transition. No children survived?”

He shook his head. “No children and no women. The pain of watching them die in excruciating pain when bitten spurred the mercy law.”

Her heart squeezed in her chest. “That’s terrible.”

Raine nodded. “It is, but the alternative was worse.”

Red flickered in her eyes before she tramped down the emotion. “You didn’t want a child?”

He ran his thumb over her chin. “No. I’m told that males feel a pull to reproduce. This is when they leave the clan for a few years to find the mother of their child. I never experienced that instinct until now.”

She licked her lips as his cock hardened beneath her hungry gaze. His muscles tensed as her eyes roamed over his body. He stood like a Greek statue, giving her the freedom to take in his perfection. While she could feel his wolf reaching for hers, he remained immobile, letting her make the next move.

She gripped the base of his shirt before pulling it up over his head. He moved with her, but not toward her. Her heart rate jumped when she unfastened his jeans. Her breath froze in her throat as his erection sprang free. Thick. Hot. Pulsing.

Her fingers brushed over the velvet head, worshiping the perfection. “So soft and so hard. This is nothing like my fantasies.”

Raine arched an eyebrow. “I would very much like to hear about your fantasies. You are beyond anything I could imagine.”

Dannika’s hand trailed the muscles of his abdomen. “You said you needed to train me. What exactly did you have in mind?”

He eyes closed when she leaned over and kissed his chest. “I assure you, this was not...”

He grunted when she sucked a nipple into her mouth. She never found out what he would’ve said, and she didn’t care. This newfound power was a high she could get used to. An elixir of strength and freedom.

She pushed the jeans from his hips, letting them pool at his feet while she kissed her way to his navel. His scent inflamed her. He was all male and so close she couldn’t resist going lower, tilting her head to run her tongue along the heated velvet shaft. Her tongue dipped lower, circling the heavy sack. She flicked and stroked caresses with her tongue, each one sending a shiver through his body. She cupped him gently when she sucked him into her mouth, flicking the head with her tongue.

His breath changed as his hands fisted in her hair. “God, Dannika.”

With her upbringing, she’d never been sure there was a God, but at that moment she believed. While she appeared to worship his body, she retained control. It was a feeling she never wanted to end. She licked up his shaft around the rim, as her hand squeezed the base. Velvet over steel pulsed in her hand as she moved in tandem with her mouth.

She took him deeper and deeper into her throat. There was a moment of panic when she grabbed his thigh to anchor herself, but the reassurance this was her decision calmed her. He didn’t push her or rush her, and she took him deeper into her mouth.

Every second she held him caused more liquid to spill between her legs, making her wetter and more wanton. The moment his control snapped brought a new high. His hand bunched in her hair, sending a jolt of pain as he pushed himself deeper, stretching her lips around him. Her fiery eyes met his, both trapped in a blazing inferno of desire.

“Don’t stop.” He bit out through clenched teeth.

She didn’t. Her hand had a mind of its own, massaging, cupping his balls while the other pumped his cock. Time stood still as she worshiped the Adonis before her. He groaned before the hot jets coated inside of her throat and she began licking him like an ice cream cone.

His breathing was ragged when he pulled her to her feet. He ripped the clothes from her body as if they were offensive before his lips sucked her erect nipple into his mouth. His hands were everywhere, sending her body into overload as his mouth moved lower.
