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“The shadow pathways are like streams. They are not one large ocean, but a series of slipstreams or tubes that connect to one another. Our molecules travel the streams at incredible speeds. If you don’t know how to navigate the pathway, you run the danger of being ripped apart and taking anyone else in the stream with you.”

She nibbled her lip as her shadow backed down. As powerful as it believed it was, it didn’t want to die.

“I had to concentrate to keep myself together, but I don’t understand how a stream can rip you apart or affect another shadow.”

His features softened. “Streams connect to one another. That means one diverges from the other. When you switch from one stream to another, you risk losing a part of yourself. One part of your body could arrive at your intended destination, while another part arrives in an alternate location. A rogue shadow or body part in this case, could impair the stability of the pathway, collapsing on anyone inside.”

She stepped back. “You’re kidding me.”

“No, Dannika. It’s quite common for fledglings to lose an arm or leg during their maiden voyage into the pathway. A senior always accompanies them to ensure they don’t lose anything that won’t regenerate and to strengthen the stability of the slipstream. It’s a painful learning curve. One you seem to have circumvented.”

She rubbed her stomach as it growled. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

He stood like a perfect predatory statue. “I am. Would you like to know which limb was ripped from my body?”


He held out his hand. “Return with me, and I will tell you my story. I will begin your training, but you have to promise to stay out of the pathways until you are ready.”

Her wolf rose, looking for connection. It wanted everything Raine offered, but she wouldn’t risk him.

She shook her head violently. “I need you to go.”


Raine resisted the urge to just grab Dannika and run. The pull of her shadow was like an aphrodisiac. One that made him fight to stay in control. Her defiance irritated him but made him as hard as a rock.

He still wasn’t sure how she could stand up to an alpha, yet she seemed to break all the rules. It would be a simple task to take her. To wrap her in his shadowy embrace and pull her from the clutches of the human world. Despite her ability to ride the shadows, he was a master and nothing broke free from his grasp.

Raine ignored the uneasy glances from the humans in the room. They would avoid him, recognizing a predator when they saw one, but being in the open was unnerving. It had been decades since he interacted in the human world.

“I’m not leaving without you, Dannika.”

She leaned forward, dropping her voice to a whisper. “Look, I won’t use the shadows. I promise. Leave me alone and let me live my life. Whatever is left of it, anyway.”

The smell of fear had a distinctive odor, one that any shadow could detect and become addicted to. He zeroed in on her features, looking for subtle differences. Her eyes and skin were brighter, indicating her shadow was close, but she didn’t fear anyone in the room. Something else was going on.

“What are you hiding from?”

She grabbed a container of Hollandaise sauce from the buffet. “Nothing, I just want to be left alone.”

His shadow purred as he inhaled the lie. “Stop it. I warned you not to feed the dark soul. You have little time left.”

Her eyes flickered from green to black. “Are you going to kill me? You and Maddock keep saying that. Honestly, the threat is getting old. “

His fingernails scraped along the metal. “I said I would kill you if you asked me to. I also told you I would protect you. You are afraid of something, and it isn’t me, it isn’t the shadow shifter world. It’s something here, yet I can’t fathom what could scare you now.”

“None of your damn business.” She slammed the container down so hard, sauce splattered across her apron.

“Everything to do with you is my business. You are my fledgling. My mate,” he growled.

She pointed at him. “I’m not going back and that’s final. Get it through your thick skull.”

His body hardened to the point of pain. He hated insubordination, yet fighting with Dannika aroused him in ways he never expected. Every rude come back and denial goaded his wolf and spurred his shadow. They were operating as a cohesive team with a singular goal. It was rare to have his animal and his shadow working as one. Dannika had no idea how powerful she had made him. He wanted to smile but knew she wouldn’t appreciate it under the circumstances.

“Dannika, we can’t stay out in the open like this. It’s not safe for you or the humans. You used the shadows, which alerts the reapers. It’s only a matter of time before they come here looking for you.”

She stepped back. “They don’t know about me. If all females die during transition, the reaper that bit me will assume I’m dead.”
