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She allowed Jason to pull her to her feet. Her body still felt laden, and her hunger was growing. There was an enticing aroma in the alley. She looked around trying to discern what it was before Jason grabbed her by the throat.

“Look at me.”

Her eyes met his. “I am, but there’s not much to look at.”

Part of her wished he would kill her. End the madness her life had become.

Jason’s eyes dropped to her mouth. His lips parted as they descended to Dannika’s.

The two bodyguards cried out as the shadow formed behind Jason’s back, but what came out of the darkness wasn’t a shadow wolf.

He was massive, with glowing red eyes that pierced the darkness. He wasn’t like the reaper who had attacked her. Dark power rolled off his shadow in waves of black smoke. His gaze met hers in recognition.

Jason’s eyes bulged as the shadow wrapped around his neck, squeezing until blood circled the darkness. The popping sound as his neck broke made Dannika turn away.

It happened so fast she wasn’t sure it was real until Jason’s limp form fell to the ground.

The dark shadow was gone.

Raine pulled her against his body.

“What just happened? Who was that?” she mumbled into his shoulder.

Raine shielded her as he surveyed the alley. “That was Kilian. He’s the leader of the reaper clan.”

Dannika put her hand to her forehead. “Why did he attack Jason?”

Raine’s eyes narrowed on her. “The question isn’t why he attacked Jason—it’s why he was protecting you. He didn’t feed on the human. He killed him, and what’s unusual is he killed him quickly. That was an assassination, not a feeding. It doesn’t fit with reaper...”

Raine was yanked back, flying across the pavement as Killian formed between them.

His red eyes bored into Dannika. “A shadow female. I didn’t believe the report, but here you are.” He leaned towards her. Fetid breath slithered inside her nostrils. Ice burned her skin when his lips touched her cheek. “Welcome to my family.”


Dannika froze as her blood turned to ice. Killian’s hold on her neck was unbreakable, but he didn’t hurt her. He appeared fascinated with her, unsure if she was real. His eyes pulsed with the red flame.

“I will see you soon, Dannika.” His form dissolved before a black shadow raced across the pavement and into the darkness beneath the garbage bin.

Raine was at her side. He touched her neck. “Are you all right? Did he cut you? Bite you?”

Her heart stuttered in her chest. “No.”

Raine put his arm around her when she swayed on her feet. “He didn’t attack you. Kilian wants you alive.”

Dannika swallowed dry air. “He said he didn’t believe the report about a female shadow. That means he has people watching you.”

“The reapers watch us. We watch them. It’s a game of chess, but until now we didn’t have a Queen. It seems you are the one thing we both covet, and honestly, that’s surprising.”

She met Raine’s intense stare. “Why, because I’m a female?”

“No. Because they don’t want you dead. Killian didn’t bite you or try to turn you. It might be because there is still a trace of human blood in your system, but he took no chances with your life. The fact that he would come here himself, instead of sending one of his subordinates, is paramount.”

Dannika closed her eyes. “I just want my life back.”

“You know that is impossible.”

She sighed as she slipped her arms around his waist. “Lots of things are impossible, but it doesn’t stop you from wanting them.”
