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Her gaze snapped to Maddock. “What have you done?”

“Ruger possesses the ability to stop a shadow’s heart,” Maddock said. “He can also trap a warrior in his human form. Raine is in stasis. He will recover in a few hours.”

She placed her hand over Raine’s heart. “How could you do this to him? He loves you. Trusts you.”

Maddock’s lip curled. “His infatuation with you has clouded his judgment. His priority should be to the wolf clan, and it will be. He just needs time away from you. We need his abilities in the coming war.”

Dannika swallowed hard, thankful Raine slept through Maddock’s latest betrayal. She had never considered Maddock wanted Raine for his power. She assumed Maddock was ensuring the wolf clan had a new leader when he fell, but now she doubted that assumption. “You don’t know what you’ve done. He won’t take this betrayal lying down.”

Maddock looked at Ruger. “Take Raine to the cell. He will need a cooling down period when he awakens.”

Ruger grabbed Raine by the shoulders and began dragging him away.

Dannika attempted to hold Raine to her, but Maddock unceremoniously ripped her away. He returned her to the ground with her head lowered and tears stinging her eyes.

She looked up at Maddock’s contemptuous face. “You say you care about the clan, but you don’t. You only care about power. I know you hate me, but what you did to your chosen son is a disgrace. You’re insane.”

Maddock’s blazed red. “You corrupted him. He was the perfect shadow. Loyal. Strong. A testament to this clan.”

“He still is. You’re the disgrace to the wolf clan.”

Maddock growled, but Colton stepped between them. He held out a hand to Dannika, helping her to her feet. He turned to Maddock once he had Dannika sheltered against his body.

“Your treatment of her is disgusting.” He glanced at Steele. “And you believe Maddock is the right choice to lead all our clans? You are as delusional as he is.”

Steele held a hand up to his son. “Just give it a chance. Please.”

Dannika’s eyes narrowed on Maddock. “You’re not a wolf. You’re a pig.”

Colton pulled away when Maddock lunged.

“You’re not good enough for my son. You’re a disrespectful tramp, intent on disrupting the natural order.” Maddock took a deep breath. “But I keep my word. You will go to the cougar clan.”

Steele’s eyes blazed with fire, but he kept his comments to himself.

Colton whispered in her ear, “Dannika, take a walk with me. I wish a private conversation.”

She nodded but said nothing as he led her away from the shadow clan leaders, toward the caves.

She wiped a tear from her cheek when Colton stopped them in the clearing. The trees rose from the ground like outstretched arms. Branches sheltered the green oasis in a loving embrace. It was beautiful. A home that didn’t belong to her.

“What did you want to tell me?” she asked.

Colton glanced back at the clan leaders. “There’s more going on here. My father would never agree to give up leadership. Not even for a poly shifter. Maddock has gone insane with power. He must have something over Steele.”

Dannika nibbled her thumbnail. “What do you propose we do?”

Colton took her hand. “Don’t react. They are watching us. I wanted it to look as if you’re considering my proposal. Come to the cougar clan. Help me discover what’s going on. I vow my protection.”

Dannika considered his words. The hand that held her was warm, inviting. It reminded her of when Carmen had taken her hand when they were shopping, pulling her into a coffee shop. Why did Colton invoke a feeling of familiarity? Friendship. Kindness.

“I don’t know why, but I trust you. I’ll go with you with the purpose of finding out Maddock’s true intentions, and for the information on my twin sister.”

He smiled. “Thank you. I don’t know why, but I trust you as well.”

She took his hands in hers, holding both of them. “I feel a connection to you. I think you remind me of someone I lost, but I need you to understand that I won’t mate you. Raine is still my choice.”

Colton nodded. “If I am incapable of convincing you to stay with the cougar clan, then you were never mine, and I don’t deserve you.”
