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Colton frowned. “How is that possible?”

She shrugged. “Raine was concerned about that as well. I won’t wait till I’m starving again. I’ll tell you when I need to feed.”

“Please do.” He led her to a room opposite of his. “Your things are in here.”

The room was simple, with a bed, a nightstand, and a small closet. The cougars had hung her clothes inside.

“Thanks.” She moved past him in the doorway, feeling a connection when their shadows touched.

Colton grabbed her arm. “Do you feel that?”

She pulled her arm away. “Yes, but it feels different.”

“Than what?” Colton asked.

“When my shadow mixes with Raine’s.”

Colton rubbed his chin. “I don’t know what it feels like to have a mate, but I’ve never felt a pull towards a woman. The protective nature of my cat and my shadow is undeniable. They would die for you. Is that what it’s like to have a mate?”

“It’s hard to explain. I feel the need to protect you as well, but with Raine, it’s like our souls are one. I feel his emotions—his love, his anger, and his betrayal—as if they were my own. This is why I can’t be your mate.”

“But you acknowledge the connection between us?”

She nodded. “I felt it the moment I saw you, and there’s no explanation I can give you.”

His eyes glowed with blue fire, the unusual color distinct when he was in human form. His face flicked with indecision. He appeared unsure whether he should kiss her or run from her.

“It’s okay,” he said. “We will figure it out. That’s why we are here.”

It took Dannika a moment to control her shadow’s reaction. Betrayal had a distinct odor, one she was becoming accustomed to. Despite Colton’s words, he felt betrayed. By her.

Colton motioned to the door. “If you’re ready, we will go meet Darwin.”

“Who’s Darwin?”

“He’s the lead investigator on your case. His home is the closest to mine. He’s waiting for me to signal him.”

Dark mist rolled off her skin, a visible reaction to her excitement. She calmed her shadow. “Yes. I’m eager to find out what he knows about my sister.”

Colton walked to the large window. He raised his hand. A minute later, a large cougar climbed over the deck railing.

Darwin shifted to his human form before entering the house. He had dark hair, eyes, and skin, giving the impression he spent most of his time in the Mediterranean. He tipped his head as he entered.

“It’s a sincere pleasure to meet you, Dannika.” His eyes roamed over her.

Colton growled. “Keep your interest focused on the case.”

Darwin kept his eyes on Dannika. “I assure you I am.”

“Stop looking at her like you’re about to devour her.”

Darwin smirked. “It’s an interesting idea. Perhaps she should reconsider the trials. There are many shadows with extraordinary gifts. Perhaps she would consider another before committing to you.”

Dannika rolled her eyes. “Colton isn’t my mate, and neither are you. I don’t care about shadow abilities. I just want information on my sister. What happened to her?”

Darwin nodded. “Fair enough. Your sister was abandoned at the hospital with you, but there’s no reference to her after that point. I’m planning to infiltrate the Graydon County archive to see if there was an adoption that week by a different name. We assumed that you were registered with the same last name, but I no longer believe that’s the case.”

She walked toward the window. “If she has a different maiden name, how will you find her?”
