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“Get it off,” she panted.

His hands moved to the bottom of her shirt, pulling it above her head in one motion, setting her free. Her breasts bounced into his waiting hands, seeking his fiery touch. She moaned as his thumbs rubbed over her sensitive nipples, and arched toward him.

She attempted to push closer. To share the same skin. Anything to relieve the mounting pressure in her core, but he backed her up against the wall. He cupped her breasts as he massaged the creamy globes while continuing his assault on her mouth. Nothing had prepared her for Raine’s desire. For his all-encompassing arousal. This was a takeover, and she was giving ground.

She cried out when he bent down and sucked her nipple into his mouth. The rush of liquid between her legs had her unfastening her pants and slipping them down her hips. The trickle of excitement that ran down her thigh alerted her mate that his control was absolute. She was concerned she had sold her soul to the devil, but if that demon was Raine, she was willing to accept her punishment. His torture was delicious, decadent.

Raine slipped his hand under her lace thong, cupping her mound. His finger slipped through the slick lips of her pussy to rest on her clit. The intense craving proved too much for her to ignore. Every sensation, every nerve ending in her body, belonged to Raine.

He circled the tiny bud, ramping up her arousal one torturous notch at a time. She became insane with need, clutching at him, attempting to relieve the mounting pressure. Nothing mattered except the need to reach that apex. The fulfillment only he could provide. His shadow swirled around them in a tornado of dark ecstasy, shrouding them from the outside world.

She thought him a dark magician. A creature from another world sent to punish her. Enslave her. A man she would crave for eternity and never get enough of. She cried out as he pushed a finger into her tight channel, rocketing the fiery desire.

Reflex had her clamping down on him. She gasped when he inserted the second finger, setting a slow rhythm as he worked her breasts and pussy at the same time.

The sane part of her reached for the independence she had always possessed. Her wit and temper were useless weapons against his magical fingers. He could make her a slave to his erotic torture. To the sensations coursing through her body. He could own her, and she would succumb willingly.

She gasped when he dropped to his knees and thrust his tongue into the most sensitive part of her. He hooked one of her legs over his shoulder as he stabbed deep into her pussy, each thrust of his tongue pulling more of the cream from her body. The room darkened as the edges of her vision turned grey, the dark shadows between them so absolute she knew they could never break. One soul. One darkness. One demon. They were the same.

She was mindless when she came, clutching his shoulders as the insurmountable pleasure rocked her body, jolts of erotic fire pulsing from her core to pool between her legs. Her strength waned, and she grabbed the wall to support herself.

He stood, unbuttoning the fly of his pants, and grabbed her ass, locking her against the wall. “Put your legs around me.”

His eyes held blue fire and retribution. She didn’t dare deny him. Her legs locked behind his waist. His body shuddered as his muscles tensed, as if he’d waited an eternity for this moment.

He kissed Dannika with the taste of her on his lips. “Every second without you was torture.”

She gasped when he thrust into her, his hard cock parting the soft flesh of her intimate channel. Her fingers clawed the wall, raking the mint paint. She moaned as he slammed into her tight pussy at a brutal rate, pulling her pelvis toward each thrust to increase the erotic pleasure. He was so deep inside her she would never get him out.

Her fingers went to his back, scratching his perfect skin, forcing a low growl of approval from him. His shadow deepened, barricading the room to outsiders. She wanted to think about the implications of that, but he altered his stance, taking himself deeper within her. The tiny muscles gave way to his long hard shaft as he slammed into her over and over, causing lightning to sing through her blood and her demon to respond with shadowy fingers trailing over his skin.

The sane part of her begged to let go. To run. The dark soul beneath the surface craved the erotic fury that hammered her body. She screamed when she came, clamping down on him like a vise, throwing him over the apex as violently as he had her.

She clutched the man she wasn’t supposed to mate, afraid of the implications of her actions. “Dear God. What have I done?”

Raine looked at her with iridescent blue eyes. “No God, no demon, will keep you from me.”

“I didn’t want to leave you.” Dannika laid her head on his chest.

He tipped up her chin. “Say you’re mine. For all time. I will deal with Maddock.”

Her shoulders slumped. “I can’t explain my connection to Colton. I need to understand it first. There’s a good chance it’s because of Steele. I’m only asking that you wait until we find out.”

“I don’t like it, but I understand.” Raine kissed her shoulder. He eased out of her and grabbed her shirt from the floor, handing it to her. “Just remember that I love you.”

Dannika put on her clothes. “I love you too.”

Raine motion to the door. “Let’s go check on your fledgling.”

“I forgot about that. What do I do?” She fidgeted with her shirt.

Raine frowned. “About what?”

Dannika pointed at her chest. “I don’t know how to be a shadow myself, let alone train one.”

“Honey, you are not the first novice to attempt to save an infected human. If his transition is pure, we’ll test him. Stern would enter the clan of his animal. A senior will train him.”

She took a deep breath. “Okay, that’s somewhat comforting. I’m glad this has happened before.”
