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Dannika stood up and held her hand out to Stern, helping him to his feet. “We went to see a Bokor.”

Ryder growled, turning toward Steele. “You knew about this?”

Steele shook his head. “I explained the duplicity of the Bokor, but they were adamant. They had more luck than I expected.”

Ryder’s eyes flashed. “What did that little turncoat say?”

Dannika gave them all the information the Bokor shared with them, except for Colton’s deal. She finished the story by adding Killian’s ambition to be king of all the clans.

Ryder blinked as if in shock. “That’s impossible. What could he have that would destroy us?”

Dannika shook her head. “The Bokor didn’t reveal what it was. Only that Killian had the knowledge and was collecting the items he needed.”

The clan members parted, allowing Maddock to approach. “What is going on here?”

Raine filled Maddock in on Killian’s ambitions.

Maddock huffed. “Killian always had an exaggerated sense of self. He will never lead all the clans. Any artifact used by the shadow clans cannot be activated by reaper.”

Dannika swallowed. “What if it’s not a shadow plan artifact?”

Maddock’s eyes narrowed on Dannika. “I see some things never change. You’re causing as much havoc in the cougar clan as you did in mine.” He looked at Raine. “It’s time for you to return the disruptive princess to the cougar clan. She can stay with the traitor.”

Raine growled. “She is mine. You release her from the wolf clan, then you release me as well.”

Maddock’s eyes flashed before he got himself under control. “No shadow makes a deal with the Bokor. She led you and Colton to the enemy of our species, even after Steele warned her against it.”

Dannika’s heart squeezed. The betrayal was bitter but expected. Steele had told Maddock about them visiting the Bokor, but he’d been honest about his concerns. The cougar clan leader didn’t respect her any more than the wolf clan leader.

“I take full responsibility,” she said, “but I would do it again.”

Colton shook his head. “No. You didn’t make the deal with the Bokor. You didn’t promise them anything.”

Steele rubbed his chin. “You may believe that, but anyone who gets information from the Bokor is tied to him. You may believe you don’t have a deal, but I guarantee you do. She could turn any minute.”

Raine stepped in front of Dannika. “I don’t care about the Bokor or his gibberish. Dannika is mine and I will protect her with my life.”

Maddock sneered at Raine. His eyes swirled with anger. “She is a cougar and will remain here, even when we merge the clans.”

Waves of black rolled off Raine’s shoulders. His claws extended as he fought for control. “You’re insane. I renounce the wolf clan.”


Only the leaves rustling in the breeze moved. Raine allowed the heavy silence to stretch out as the shadow shifters surrounding him recovered from their shock. He was an alpha. The next in line for the shadow wolf clan. Renouncing them could set them adrift. Ruin them.

He surveyed the wary faces around him. Raine had cultivated his friendships in the opposing clans on purpose, planning to unite them when his time as leader began. He would have the support of the other clans, but he would have to kill Maddock. That was a monumental task. One no sane shadow took lightly.

Maddock sneered. “You will die on your own. The cougar clan will not accept a traitor.”

Raine punched Maddock. Blood spurted from Maddock’s nose before he covered it with both hands, halting the crimson flow.

“You misunderstand. I renounce the wolf clan with its current leader—not the people within it.”

Maddock’s eyes widened with realization. He launched at Raine. The men punched and scratched one another, but neither allowed their alpha to emerge. The fight raged as the other clans held their breath.

Raine pushed Maddock away from him. Maddock stumbled back but caught his balance.

“It is you who will perish,” Raine said, “with your archaic ways and pettiness. You’re on the road to destruction and will take the wolf clan with you. Your problem with Dannika isn’t because she’s a woman. It’s because she threatens your leadership. That’s the only thing that would make you act like such a coward.”
