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“You do not need to hug him, or kiss him.”

Dannika glanced at Darren when he shuffled his feet. His eyes remained downcast as he fidgeted with his fingers.

“You are unbelievable, and you’re making Darren uncomfortable,” she said.

“The warning was for you, not Darren. He did not initiate contact—you did. While I trust him, you need to understand that we are not human. Your affections, though innocent, could get a clan member killed,” Raine said.

She locked with his hard eyes. The swirl of black behind the pupils focused on her. “You’re serious.”

“Deadly serious.”

She stepped up to Raine’s chest, pointing her finger. “Darren is like family. At the moment, he’s the only wolf shadow shifter I actually like. Drop the macho bullshit before I drop you.”

Raine’s jaw ticked. “Drop me?”

She tapped his rear. “Right on your ass, if you keep this up.”

His body relaxed as his lip twitched. “I am more than happy to continue this discussion in the ring. I love training you.”

“You wish.” Dannika allowed Raine to lead her from Darren’s room, but she sent the cartographer a friendly goodbye wave. “How old is Darren? He seems younger than he looks.”

Raine put his hand on her back. The heat sent a sizzle of awareness crackling across her skin.

“He is twenty-two. By our standards, he is very young. He only left the sanctuary a year ago. His father was killed in a reaper attack less than a month after Darren moved into his private room.”

“That’s terrible,” Dannika said.

Raine put his arm around her shoulders. “Your compassion never ceases to amaze me.”

A large man leaned against the rock wall of the tunnel. His eyes moved to Raine’s arm as his lip curled. “You should have more respect for your leader, Raine.”

Raine stepped up to the man. “You got something to say, Ruger?

Ruger’s eyes roamed over Dannika. “It’s bad enough Maddock allowed you to train your little tramp, but traipsing her around and throwing it in his face is unbecoming of a future leader.”

Raine grabbed Ruger’s shirt, pulling him against his chest. “You disrespect her again, and I will challenge you. It won’t be training—you will fight my alpha.”

Ruger’s eyes widened. “You would kill me, over her?”

“Without hesitation.”

“Is she really your mate?” Ruger asked with hesitation.

Black smoke rolled off Raine’s shoulders, signifying his shadow was vying to be released. “She is.”

The dark undertone of his alpha made Ruger flinch.

“But she’s an abomination. The next wolf clan leader cannot be attached to her.”

Black mist exploded from Raine’s body as his alpha emerged, roaring its displeasure. It slashed Ruger’s chest, then took the startled man to the ground.

Ruger’s shadow emerged to protect him. Black waves rolled off his shoulder as he attempted to protect himself, but he lacked the strength and training to oppose Raine. Ruger’s blood splayed across the rock walls before Dannika stepped in.

She put her hands up. “Raine, stop it. He’s a jerk, but he doesn’t deserve to die.”

It was the first time she feared her connection with Raine. While she kept her shadow locked down, his shadow touched her skin. She felt his anger, his need for retribution. He would kill Ruger.

Dayton sprinted toward them. “Raine, stop this. Dannika’s right. Ruger is Maddock’s lapdog, but he is loyal to the clan.”
