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Lincoln smirked. “What if I want to?”

She indicated the ink on his arm. “Those are gang tats. I wasn’t aware you had a chapter in Graydon County.”

Lincoln winked. “I’m not a gang member anymore, but I had plans to start a chapter in Graydon. Life had other plans for me.” He sauntered to the middle of the clearing. His confidence was unmistakable. “Unfortunately for you, I’m well-versed on how to establish myself in a new gang.”

Killian folded his arms. “Enough talk. Dannika, you will kill Lincoln, or he will kill you.”

Dannika positioned herself opposite of Lincoln. His eyes, as he focused on her, held no remorse. This man was used to killing.

He lunged for her, and she stepped to the side.

It took her a split-second to assess her attacker. Lincoln was accustomed to wielding a gun. His movements were awkward as he attempted to grab her. When she continued to evade his grasp, he clutched at his waistband. There was nothing there, but she assumed his human fights also included a knife. His glowing eyes indicated his delight in causing another’s pain.

Killian nodded, and Julius brought a blade to Raine’s throat. “Fight Lincoln or I cut Raine’s head off.”

Dannika wanted to feel remorse for what she had to do, but there was nothing. The man in front of her was a human monster. One that had acquired abilities that would help him create more atrocities. When he lunged for her again, she turned sideways, whipping her blade from its sheath, and stabbed him in the chest.

Lincoln blinked in shock before his high-pitched scream echoed in the air. Dannika put her hands over her ears as the sound faded.

Killian smiled. “Excellent.”

Dannika’s eyes flickered with fire. “You wanted me to kill him. Lincoln possessed the grace of an ox and would’ve died in his first fight.”

“True. A slow reaper puts the entire clan at risk. Unlike the shadow clans, we cull the weak.”

Julius turned to Dannika. “That was not a fight. It was an execution. She was trained in hand-to-hand combat. Lincoln killed with a gun.”

Killian’s eyes narrowed on his son. “Lincoln was a gang assassin, but his skills were useless to the reaper clan.”

Julius approached Raine. “I may not be able to fight Dannika, but perhaps I could remove the leader of the wolf clan.”

He was so focused on Raine, he never saw Dannika’s blade. She whipped it through the air before embedding in his back.


Iron permeated the air as Dannika ripped the blade from Julius’ back. Silence fell over the crowd of reapers watching the fight as her brother turned to her with glowing red eyes.

The fire had died down to embers with the occasional flicker of light that glinted in the surrounding crushed metal. The breeze whispered against her cheek like a caress of death, mirrored by those surrounding her. The teenager in the cage beside Raine whimpered, but his pleas went unanswered.

Julius rolled his shoulders as his wound healed. “It seems you need a lesson in reaper protocol. I am your lieutenant. You don’t attack me.”

Dannika flicked her dagger in her hands. It moved through her fingers like water. Her shadow warrior turned her training as a child into an effective weapon. “There’s nothing you can teach me, because I will kill you the first chance I get.”

Julius smiled. “Spoken like a true reaper. Why don’t you prove to your brother you are worthy of the gift our father has given you?”

Dannika spat on the ground. “Gift? My life was a curse. Everybody I loved died. Our loving father removed anything good in my life.”

Julius sneered. “It wasn’t just him. I volunteered to remove the people who cared about you. Did you believe our father killed both your foster parents?”

The blade she’d been twirling in her fingers froze in her hand. She hadn’t allowed Killian to show her that memory. “You helped him.”

Julius put his fingers to his jugular. “I bit Lori right here. I found it strange, killing someone who never made a sound. She looked at her husband while he fought. I think she believed her husband could win. It was pathetic.”

Dannika felt the world around her spin. She took a deep breath of rusty metal. “You’re a monster.”

His lip curled, revealing his fangs. “So are you.”

Pain seized her heart, because it was true. She looked down at her blade, securing it in her hand.
