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Raine dressed and joined her in the living room area of their suite. He grabbed the map of Graydon County from the desk and rolled it out on the coffee table.

He pointed to the salvage yard. “The reapers are here. Do they have any other locations? That set up is relatively new and their numbers were low.”

“Killian said he killed the owner a few months ago. I’m sure they have another location, maybe two, but I don’t know where it is.” She put her hand to her chest. “I know this is shocking, but Killian doesn’t trust me.”

Raine smirked. “That goes both ways. I would like to find their other nests before moving on them.”

Shouts in the hallway had them jumping up and running down the tunnel toward the commotion.

Raine stopped at the mouth of the sanctuary, where several clan members congregated. “What’s going on?”

Dayton approached them. “Raine, I didn’t realize you were back. Sammy has gone missing from the sanctuary. We are interviewing the children now.”

Raine approached the sanctuary opening and touched the light circle. “The wards are in place. How did a reaper get in here?”

Dayton shook his head. “I can’t understand it. No wolf would risk the children.”

Maverick approached Dayton. “I have talked to the children. Leland said he saw Dannika with Sammy.”

Dannika’s eyes widened. “I haven’t been to the sanctuary recently. I didn’t see Sammy in the tunnels.”

Maverick’s eyebrows creased in confusion. Dannika wasn’t lying.

Raine turned when Dannika grunted. “What is it?”

She rubbed her stomach. “I’m hungry, but it can wait until we find Sammy.”

Raine studied her pale face. Dannika never asked to go hunting. If she was in pain, she’d waited far too long already. “Dayton, continue the investigation. I will take Dannika to the forest. Get Fallon. I want an update as soon as possible.”

* * *

Raine stood as Dannika took down a crippled badger. He had never opposed her decision to feed on animals that were near their expiration date, but he feared the weak blood would have an adverse effect on her. She was quick and efficient and returned to him quickly.

“I feel better, thank you. Sorry about the timing.”

He turned when Dayton and Fallon approached them. “Do you have an update?”

Fallon glanced at Dannika, his fear and unease clear. “I do.”

Dannika put her hand on Raine’s back. “Who is he?”

“Fallon is our investigator. When he touches an object, he gets impressions. He can also share images from another person’s mind. I asked Fallon to speak with Leland.” Raine held out his hand to Fallon. “Show me.”

Fallon put his hand on Raine’s. The images played like a movie in his mind. Sammy laughing as he approached Dannika. Her whispering in his ear, smiling down at him. She took his hand as they laughed at a private joke before she led him from the sanctuary.

He turned to his mate with dead eyes. “You took Sammy.”

Dannika stepped back. “I did not.”

The lack of lie in her voice confused him, but Fallon’s gift was never wrong. His heart shredded as if it had been in a blender. “Where is Sammy?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

Fallon cleared his throat. “I know where Sammy is. I traveled to the salvage yard and touched the equipment there.”

“Show me,” Raine growled.

The images returned with the pain of betrayal. Dannika’s eyes were red and her movements wooden as she handed Sammy over to Killian.
