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Ryder nodded to him as Steele exited the pathway with Colton and Fallon. “Did you really let Dannika go?”

Raine could barely speak. “Yes.”

Colton’s eyes blazed with anger. “You sent her back to the reapers?”


Raine didn’t block Colton’s punch. He let the pain crack along his cheekbone; it was nothing compared to what he had done to Dannika.

Steele pulled Colton away from Raine. “He would never let her go. There is more to this.”

Colton’s claws sprung from his knuckles. “If she turns reaper, I will kill you.”

“If she turns reaper, I will let you,” Raine said.

Ryder’s eyes narrowed on Raine. “What is going on? You were willing to take on every clan to keep Dannika. Your wolf would never let her go.”

Raine rubbed his burning cheek. “If we’re going to save Dannika, we need to break her blood tie to Killian.”

Steele frowned. “Only death will break a blood tie. Why would you allow Dannika to return to the reapers if you are planning Killian’s demise?”

Raine looked up at the owl resting on the tallest tree branch. It surveyed its surroundings, like a king addressing his subjects. “Dannika had a reaper sentry. He possessed the ability to hide himself in the shadows.”

Steele nodded. “Savon was a loss for our clan when he turned reaper. He is impossible to track. What alerted you to his presence?”

Raine rubbed his chin. “I was monitoring the shadows. Killian would never leave Dannika unattended. I whispered for him to reveal himself and he did.”

Fallon frowned. “You were with us the whole time. How did you talk to Savon and Dannika at the same time?”

Raine took a deep breath. He wanted more time with his new ability before having to explain it. “When I killed Maddock, I gained his power. His ability to produce doppelgangers. I can mirror.”

Steele arched his eyebrows. “I’ve never heard of an alpha acquiring another’s shadow gift. How did this happen?”

Raine rubbed the back of his neck. “I was planning to ask you that same question.”

Ryder glanced between them. “How does it work for you? This new power.”

“I can create the doppelgangers of myself, same as Maddock. What I didn’t know, or Maddock didn’t tell us, is I can interact and use the mirrored versions of myself. I can hold multiple conversations at once, but only my true form is corporeal.”

Steele and Ryder shared an uneasy look. Raine knew what they were thinking. If they lost Dannika and he turned reaper, he would become a monster. One they had no hope of stopping.

Colton cleared his throat. “You should have mentioned that before I punched you in the face.”

“I deserved it. You should’ve seen Dannika’s reaction. I know it’s the only way to save her, but I destroyed her.”

“What did the reaper say?” Colton asked.

Raine hated to admit it, but he could see why Dannika viewed Colton as a brother. His loyalty to Dannika was absolute. And she never asked for it. “Savon said Dannika is going to die. That the true ruler will ensure the mutation dies with her.”

Colton’s jaw dropped. “True ruler? Who is that?”

Raine shook his head. “This is the first time I’ve used my ability this way. I lost the connection to the doppelganger. I couldn’t maintain the flow of shadows to the illusion, while conversing in the real world.” He rubbed his chest as if he could ease the pain that festered in his soul. “I was talking to Dannika, but I couldn’t alert her. My wolf is insane right now. I’m pretty sure he will kill me in my sleep if I don’t get her back soon.”

Colton cocked his head to the side. “I’m not sure that’s possible, but I believe he is angry enough to try.”

Raine glanced towards the caves. “There’s something brewing in the reaper clan. Some kind of power struggle and Dannika is in the middle of it. We must monitor them and see if we can use this information to our advantage. Killian wants her alive. He needs her, but this challenger wants her dead. I’m betting Dannika’s life that Killian is stronger than any other member of his clan.”

Ryder nodded. “We need to find out what Killian wants her for and sever her connection with him.”
