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Julius emerged from the pathway, his eyes bright red and flickering with anger. “What are you thinking, Father? She doesn’t deserve a unit under her command.”

Killian huffed. “Don’t you have better things to do than spy on your sister? That’s Savon’s job.”

Julius glanced at Dannika. “Savon assumed she would return here when she left the shadow wolves. I came to inquire where she went.”

Dannika glanced down at the sobbing child. “I stopped in the pathway. I notice the differences as my vision turned red.”

Julius’ eyes narrowed on her. “You cannot stop in the pathway unless you are a specialist. You are a fledgling.”

Killian arched an eyebrow. “Perhaps manipulation is her gift. That could be useful. Regardless, she isn’t lying.”

Julius stepped up to his father. “She is weak and has no right to lead a reaper army.”

Killian glanced at his children. “Perhaps you are right. Let’s test your skills. You can fight her, but don’t kill her.”

“Agreed.” Julius closed the cage and grabbed Dannika’s arm. “Come with me, my sister. Let’s see if you are as good as our father thinks.”

Dannika allowed Julius to overtake her shadow and lead her into the pathway. The stretch was fast and farther than she’d gone before. Time moved at a different pace within the pathway, but she was sure an hour had passed before they emerged in a dark cave.

She thought she was inside the wolf caves until she noticed the difference in the rock. White quartz shimmered in the walls.

“Where are we?”

Julius pushed her forward. “This is the fighting cave.”

The tunnel opened to a small cavern similar to the one in the wolf clan. This one had weapons mounted along the walls in an archaic fashion. Spiked balls on chains, long curved scythes, and tempered swords were at the ready for the combatants.

“Well, this is pleasant.”

Julius smiled. “Leftovers from the war.”

He walked to the wall and removed a short, polished blade with Japanese markings.

Dannika made her way to the opposite wall. “A samurai sword is from the war?”

“No. This one is mine.” He swung the blade through the air in a ballet of intricate moves. His expertise with the weapon signaled he had performed this dance many times in the past.

She took out her reaper blade. “I got nothing fancy for you, but I’m told blessed steel burns you like a bitch.”

Julius laughed before he dissolved and reformed behind her. His blade bit into her shoulder before she skipped away.

“If you think we adhere to the same rules as the Wolf clan, you are mistaken.”

She wiped the blood from her shoulder as the wound healed. “What are the rules?”

His lip curled, revealing his fangs. “Try not to die.”

“Thanks, Captain Obvious.”

Julius approached her with serious, intricate maneuvers. His blade moved back and forth, weaving between his hands as he flowed across the ground. His fighting technique appeared deadlier than Killian’s, but Julius couldn’t foreshadow. The best swordsman couldn’t fight someone who could anticipate every move and counteract before they made it.

He cut her three times before she realized he intended to kill her. Killian had made a fatal mistake in leaving her life in her brother’s hands.

She dove to the right as the blade bit into her neck. She scrambled back, holding the flesh together as it mended.

Julius pointed at her with the sword. “Now you get it.”

Zade emerged from the shadows. “You are a pathetic excuse for a lieutenant, Julius. Killing a fledgling hardly makes you look strong. I’m sure it will impress your father that you disregarded his instructions.”
