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Julius put his sword back in its scabbard. “I will overthrow my father, and you will help me.”

Her eyes were slits as she fought to keep them open. “Why would I help you?”

Julius motioned with his hand. Another reaper she’d never met entered the room, dragging Raine’s beaten body. “This is why.”

Her mouth sagged open, but Raine signed a quick message. He wanted her to trust him.

Did she? Could she?

“Don’t hurt him.”

“You will help me overthrow my father,” Julius said.

She put her hand to her stomach, attempting to quell the nausea. “Killian is a pig. I want no part of the reapers. If you want them, they are yours.” She met her brother’s stare. “You didn’t have to abduct Raine. I would’ve helped to kill our father for free.”

Julius smiled down at her. “I guess we’re related, after all. Let’s plan our father’s demise.”


Dannika’s first instinct was to return to the room Julius held Raine in. His wounds looked gruesome, but he had asked her to trust him. There was something going on with the Wolf clan, and until she understood what it was, she had to be careful.

“Where are we going?”

Julius put his hand on her back in a proprietary manner as they made their way through the tunnel. He didn’t care about her, but he wanted her to know who owned her. “Our father is training some of the newer warriors. It’s an excellent opportunity to see if your poison has had any effect.”

“He can foreshadow. Even if he’s physically weaker, his ability will make it impossible to see if he’s affected.”

Julias smiled. “That’s the point. Killian is a fierce warrior. Only Ferguson and myself are his equal. If he is forced to use his shadow ability on a lesser reaper, then his strength is waning.”

Dannika frowned. “How will you know if he is using his abilities?”

“I will feel it, and since you have a blood bond with him, so will you.”

She huffed. “I can’t wait to break the bond.”

Julius paused in the tunnel. “You mean kill him.”

Dannika let him see the truth, the anger that festered beneath her stony exterior. “Yes.”

Julius resumed his pace toward the noises at the end of the tunnel. “Perhaps we are more alike than I thought.”

Several reapers stood around in a semicircle as Killian sparred with a young reaper. His movements were fluid and well practiced, but she detected a hesitancy that hadn’t existed before.

Julius guided her to an opening in the ring. He stood over her like he owned her. The possessive stance didn’t go unnoticed by Killian. He glanced at his son as the young reaper punched him.

Killian growled, then dissolved behind the young man and wrapped his arms around his neck. When the bones in the man’s neck began to crack, and his eyes bulged from their sockets, Ferguson stepped into the ring.

“You allowed your children to distract you. I won’t allow you to kill Luke because you forgot to protect yourself,” Ferguson said.

Killian’s eyes burned with red fire. He dropped Luke, shoving the man to the ground. “Are you finally challenging for leadership Ferguson?”

Ferguson huffed. “You know I have no desire to lead the reapers.”

Julius stepped in the ring. “Perhaps you would like to fight me, Ferguson.”

Dannika felt the change in the room. Several reapers moved closer to Julius. She wasn’t sure if it was because the others revered Ferguson, or if they deemed Killian’s son to be a better leader.

Ferguson helped Luke to his feet. “I want no part of your family war.”
