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Raine nodded. “Perks of acquiring Maddock’s abilities.”

She placed her hand on the doppelganger’s shoulder, but her hand moved right through the illusion. “How did this happen?”

“We aren’t sure, but we suspect it has something to do with the death match blades, and that Maddock betrayed his clan. Come on, let’s get out of here.”

She glanced at the door. “I can’t go with you.”


Dannika allowed Raine to lead her from the room and down the tunnel. They popped into an empty cavern with a couple of chairs and a table. She let her shadow flare out, checking her surroundings, ensuring they were alone while Raine regained his strength. His wounds had healed, but his movements were slow.

She sat down at the table opposite Raine. “I don’t have time to explain everything. I know this will be hard, but I need you to trust me.”

Raine’s sad eyes met hers. “This is my fault. You would never have taken that poison if it weren’t for my actions. There’s more happening than you realize. You were being watched.”

She huffed. “Of course, I was being watched. Killian has been controlling my life since the moment I was born. I never expected he could control my body. While we have a blood connection, I can’t return to the Wolf clan. Until Killian’s dead, you can’t trust me. Besides, Sammy is still in a cage at the salvage yard. I promised him I would get him out.”

Raine reached out and took her hand. “You are blaming yourself for things that are beyond your control. Everything you have done has been to protect me and the Wolf clan.”

She glanced at the door. “Julius is my brother. I have made an arrangement with him that ensures Killian’s death. Julius will do anything to overthrow our father.”

Raine narrowed his eyes. “Julius hates you. He will kill you the moment he takes leadership of the clan.”

“I know.” Her voice lacked emotion. Being pushed and pulled between the clans and family had taken its toll. She was tired and viewed death as a well-deserved rest.

Raine squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry, Dannika. I never doubted you. The clans are on alert. We knew after talking to the Bokor that a power struggle within the reaper clan was erupting. These takeovers typically include multiple human deaths.”

She pulled her hand away, placing it beneath the table. The darkness. The cold. These were the things she needed to embrace what lay ahead. But not him. “You’re not safe as long as I am tied to Killian.”

“I need you.” The words were stark and raw.

If she died, she was condemning Raine to a half-life. Or worse, turning reaper. With his powers, that would be a nightmare. The strength that supported the wolf clan would devastate them if he acquired red eyes.

“How can you say that? I took Sammy. You can’t trust me as long as Killian is alive. I don’t even trust myself right now. After I returned to the reapers and saw Sammy, Killian made me wrap my hand around his throat, just to prove that he could do it. He could not control me after I took the poison, but he drank from me again. The only thing I can do to guarantee your safety is die.”

Raine leaned forward, grabbing her shoulders. “No, Dannika. That’s not an option. I have every clan supporting me to ensure you come home safely.”

She waited for Raine to sit down in his seat, then she took his hand. “I’m not saying I want to die. I’m just saying there’re no guarantees.”

“There’s no life for me without you,” Raine said.

She frowned. “How did you get here? Who’s leading the clan?”

“Dayton is leading the wolves and coordinating with Steele and Ryder. I told them we either return together or not at all. Dayton will ensure a new alpha emerges if we are unsuccessful. I entered reaper territory on my own.”

She pulled back. “What? They agreed to this?”

“They had no choice. You are my mate. I never planned to leave you, Dannika. I just couldn’t allow you to take any more children. I’m sorry for deceiving you, but I needed the reapers to think we exiled you. The reaper reported to Killian as planned.”

She nodded. “Okay. We are in this together. The first thing is to save Sammy. Killian is fighting with Julius. I expect things to get heated in the next half hour. That would be a perfect time to return to the salvage yard.”

“Since we have half an hour.” He walked around the table and pulled her to her feet. His lips descended on hers before she realized his intention.

“We can’t do this. Someone will see us.”

“Dannika. They won’t look for us in the shadows unless they think I’m missing. Move your body to the shadows but don’t enter a pathway.”

The darkness fell around them, thrusting the room into hues of white and grey. “I’m just learning to control the shadows. What if I lose my concentration?”
