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“I am. Things are progressing nicely. I know where the talisman is, but it can’t be used until tomorrow.” She was careful to stick to the truth.

Julius grabbed her shoulder. “You are stalling. If you know where the talisman is, then retrieve it. Bring it to me.”

“No. I will stick to the plan.”

His fingers wrapped around her throat. “Give me the talisman.”

“Are you hard of hearing? I said no. Besides, there’s a very good chance that if you touch it, you will die. Killian would not retrieve it.”

Julius dropped his hand. “The demon caller is cursed?”

“I don’t know, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Do you want to test the theory? I’ll be happy to let you try. If you die, that’ll be one less reaper I have to kill later.”

“Why tomorrow?”

“Killian said it’s because that’s the day the Priestess entered the demon world, but I don’t trust our father. Since he wouldn’t touch the talisman, there is likely more to it.”

Julius rubbed his chin. “We need more information on why tomorrow is the day to open the portal. Killian never mentioned that, but he is notorious for omitting key information.”

“Perhaps opening the portal at the wrong time will kill the user.”

Julius sneered. “Fortunately, you are the one who will open it. It’s a risk I don’t have to take.”

Killian approached them in the tunnel. His eyes move between his children. He was flanked by four reapers loyal to him.

Six reapers, including Breck, appeared in the tunnel behind Julius. “Hello, Father.”

Killian’s eyes narrowed on his son. “What are you up to, Julius?”

Julius glanced at his father’s lieutenants. “Same as you.”

“Do you wish to challenge for leadership?”

Julius shrugged. “Why bother? In a day or two, you’ll be too weak to feed yourself, let alone defend your leadership. I promise to kill you quickly. Show the same courtesies you showed me growing up.”

Killian hissed. “My lessons made you strong.”

Other clan members paused in the hall, waiting for the violence to start. It hovered in the air like cinnamon on the tongue. Sweet. Spicy. A reaper aphrodisiac.

Killian huffed. “You are pathetic. Dannika will be twice the reaper you are. She at least has the power of the Priestess. You have none of your mother’s talents, and none of mine.”

Julius stepped up to his father. “I am twice the reaper you are. You are the leader because you can foreshadow. It’s a powerful ability, but you rely on it for everything. Once it fails, you are nothing.”

Killian laughed. “And yet, if I fall, it’s because your sister poisoned me, not because you beat me.” He waved his hand dismissively. “I already have the means to acquire the antidote.”

Julius glanced at Dannika. “Yes, but you require Dannika’s help to get it. What happens if she is not available to you?”

Breck moved in front of Dannika, crossing his arms and smiling at his leader.

Killian growled.

“Family reunions are so passe.” Julius’ eyes bored into Dannika. “It appears the choice is yours. Time for you to choose, Dannika. Are you siding with your father or your brother?”


Dannika moved in front of Breck. Things were happening too fast. The reaper clan was a ticking time bomb. While she wanted it to stay cohesive for one more day, her time had run out.

Killian sneered at her. “I have to commend you, Dannika. You manipulated both me and Julius like a pro. You will make an excellent addition to the reaper clan.”
