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She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Stay away from me.”

The demon glanced at the small hole in the rock. “Opens portal. Door too small.”

Thesrolled off his tongue like a snake.

“No way. How about I hack off a few of your limbs so you can crawl back in that hole and I will seal it forever.”

The demon’s laugh was like a hyena. “I like it here. Brings my people.”

“Never going to happen.”

The demon surveyed the surrounding fight. “Kills everything until priestess opens portal.”

He grabbed the reaper closest to him and bit into the man’s neck, while his eyes remained locked on Dannika.

Dannika put her hand to her mouth. “Raine, how do I close the portal?”

Raine glanced at her while circling Killian. “We need a sacrifice to close the portal, completely.”

Her heart stuttered at the reality of what she had done. Someone had to die to rectify her mistake.

She glanced down at her chest. Could she do it? Would a reaper blade kill her? She wasn’t sure what she was anymore.

The demon dropped the shriveled reaper at his feet. “Priestess death won’t close portal. Won’t open either. Limbo for both realms. Not good.”

Dannika wasn’t sure which was more disconcerting: the demon’s ability to adjust to their speech and environment, or that it wasn’t lying. It knew more about the portal than the shadows did. How long had the demons been waiting for an opportunity like this? Had she given them the spark to ignite a revolution? A siege against the human world.

Her heart fell in her chest when a reaper exited the pathway, with Sammy in his arms. The child whimpered as the reaper shoved him towards the portal. The reaper yanked Sammy’s head back, exposing his throat.

The demon attacked the reaper, ripping the man’s head from his body and tossing it to the ground before turning on the crying child. His eyes flickered like flowing lava as he reached for Sammy.

Dannika stepped from the safety of the circle, connecting with her shadow demon, infusing it with Killian’s blood and reaper venom. Her demon soul howled in ecstasy as power flooded her veins. Her vision turned red as the craving to kill overrode every sane thought.

She would be king. She was the most powerful creature in creation, and she needed to kill the demon to prove it.

Her fangs dripped venom when she smiled. “It’s a good day for a demon to die.”

Rows of razor-sharp teeth were exposed when the demon smiled. “Priestess kill demon. No go back. War.”

Dannika wasn’t sure what he meant. She was sure she didn’t care. Black smoke rolled off her body as her shadow demon emerged. Its voice echoed behind hers. “I won’t go back to being weak. Killing you will strengthen me. Perhaps I’ll drink your blood. See what happens.”

She growled as she advanced on the demon.


Dannika inhaled the smell of blood, letting it fuel the craving in her body. The screams of injured reapers echoed in the cavern like a symphony. Halak was quick and efficient, but his focus remained on Dannika. She swayed to the music of death and pain. Focused on her prey, and the rush of power in his veins.

The demon backed away, dropping Sammy. “No priestess. No fight Halak.”

Dannika’s tongue swirled over her fangs. “Who said anything about fighting? I think you’ll make a delicious snack.”

The demon’s eyes bulged as his face twitched. “Halak forbidden to touch priestess.”

Dannika made a fake pout. “Well, that’s disappointing. Fortunately, I never made such a promise.”

She advanced on Halak.

Her claws extended from her knuckles before she reached the retreating demon. His eyes darted around the cavern, looking for an exit. Part of her wondered why a creature double her size would run from her. Who had the power to order the demon to obey his rules? While her curiosity continued, it didn’t outweigh her need to kill.
