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Riley allowed Stern to help her to her feet. “It’s not an experience I would care to repeat.”

They both turned as a dozen shadow warriors exited the pathways and surrounded them. These men had red eyes and were led by a tall dark-haired man with clear retribution written on his face. One moment he was in the clearing the next he was ten feet away, killing a demon. Then he disappeared again.

“Who is that?” Riley asked.

Stern kept his eyes glued on the man who moved from one demon to the next. “That’s Ferguson. He’s a reaper and only answers to Dannika. I was a military man but I’m glad I don’t have to fight him.”

Colton ran up to Riley. “Are you okay?”

Riley glanced at Stern. “Yes, he killed the octopus demon.”

Colton shook Stern’s hand. “Thanks, man.”

Stern motioned towards the fight. “Where did they go?”

“Ferguson took out six demons before Halak disappeared. They all followed him when he left,” Colton said.

Stern rolled his shoulders. “Speak of the devil.”

Ferguson approached them with another reaper at his side. He looked Riley over slowly. “They are after you.”

Riley nodded. “Halak keeps calling me priestess. I don’t know why.”

Ferguson glanced at the dead bodies littering the forest ground. “I’m guessing you are a descendant of the priestess, and with Dannika so well protected, they see an opportunity to use you.”

Riley recalled her fight with Larkel. “The demon said he would hurt me before Deruthel used me. I don’t know what that means.”

Ferguson’s jaw flinched. “I’m guessing they want your blood to open a portal. At least that’s what I hope he meant.” He turned towards his partner. “Breck, I’m going to see if I can find the demon stronghold. You stay with Riley. Ensure she has an animal.”

Riley was about to respond when Ferguson disappeared. “How the hell does he do that?”

Breck’s red eyes focused on her, sending ice slithering across her skin. “Ferguson is the oldest reaper. His skills are beyond any living shadow warrior. I must obey his command.”

Colton frowned. “Give me a moment. I need to talk to Steele.” He jogged over to the cougar clan leader, who was helping another clan member pile the dead demons.

Breck’s eyes flickered with interest as they roamed over her. “I look forward to your trial.”

Stern growled low. “You hurt her, and I’ll rip your head off. Sure, I’ll get in trouble, but Dannika will forgive me. You, however will still be dead.”

Breck snarled. “If you touch me, then I’m justified in killing you.”

Riley stepped between the men. “Stop it. What is this trial?”

Breck ran a finger along her shoulder. Her muscles tensed, more repulsed than when the demon’s tentacles had ensnared her. “Just a small fight to encourage your animal to surface.”

“Why do I need to fight you in order for my animal to emerge?” Riley asked.

Breck smiled, exposing his fangs. “Your animal will only emerge the first time to protect you. This fight will not be easy. Combat will continue until you shift or die of exhaustion.”

Stern huffed. “You’re such a prick. As much as I want to kill you, I won’t have to. Riley is Colton’s fledgling. You harm her, and Colton’s alpha will annihilate you.”

“You’re awfully bloodthirsty for a bear. What’s the problem? Does dining on deer’s blood make you grumpy?” Breck asked snidely.

“If it did, I’d have already bitten your head off,” Stern said.

Riley crossed her arms. “Why are you administering this test instead of Colton?”

Breck’s jaw ticked. “Colton won’t do what’s necessary to ensure your animal emerges. I will hurt you.”
