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Breck sneered at Colton. He had to stifle the instinct to break the reaper’s head off. “Why are you being such a prick?”

Riley put her hand on Colton’s arm. “Steele is right. I don’t know what I am. If there is a chance I would hurt somebody, we need to find out.”

The feel of her fingers against his skin calmed his warrior and had his cougar purring in his mind. He had been a teenager the last time he heard that sound and the feelings it created. Riley had no idea what a miracle she was to him. He put his hand over hers. “If you want to do the testing now, we will.”

Steele’s eyes flashed. “It isn’t her decision it’s mine.” He turned to Breck. “Head over to our combat ring. Colton will bring Riley to you shortly.”

Breck nodded before his body dissolved and he entered the shadow pathway.

“Take her to the ring, now.” Steele didn’t wait for a response. He turned and strode back to the demon bonfire.

Colton took Riley’s hand. “Come on. We will walk so I can explain the trial.”

Riley was quiet while they moved away from the heat of the fire. “I understand it’s to encourage my animal to emerge, but Breck gave the impression he would have no problem killing me.”

“Not having an animal used to be a death sentence, but that is no longer the case. I believe you have an animal. My cougar senses it. Besides, if Breck shows any signs of doing you permanent harm, I will kill him and he knows it.”

Riley nodded. “He probably wanted to scare me. Do you think I’m a cougar?” she asked.

“I have no way to know until you shift. I can’t confirm you have an animal, but it feels like you do. Honestly, I don’t care if you are a cougar, wolf or bear. I just want you to have the ability to run in the forest and Dannika says it’s easier for her to hunt in animal form.”

Riley stopped walking. “I never thought of that. It would be easier if a cougar were eating a rabbit.”

Colton pulled her forward. “I can’t recommend sticking with small game. You would have to feed less if you consider deer or elk as an alternative.”

“I’ll try,” she said.

They walked for half an hour before they reached the area of the forest, designated for combat trials. If a human had wandered into this area, they would not even know it had a specific purpose. The trees grew in a circular pattern, but appeared natural. The groomed branches above their heads could have broken off in a windstorm. The patch of dirt in the center, dusted over with pine needles looked like it was a remnant of brush that had died off. Only the shadow clans knew it’s true purpose.

Breck stood in the middle of the dirt circle. His arms were crossed, accentuating his athletic physique, blond hair and red eyes. Colton hated everything about him, and he was about to trust him with Riley’s life. His body tensed, perched on a double-edged sword.

Colton glanced at the clan members standing by the trees. They were giving the combatants a wide berth. Tension and unease created a specific taste. It burned on his tongue like acid. His clan trusted the reaper more than Riley. “Just so we’re clear. If you mark Riley, I will kill you.”

Breck arched an eyebrow. “Her animal won’t emerge unless she is about to die. You know how this works.”

Colton released Reilly’s hand. “I do, but that doesn’t change the facts. If she bleeds, so do you.”

Breck dropped his hands, motioning for Riley to enter the ring.

Riley sent Colton a reassuring smile before she joined the reaper.

Breck motioned for Riley to attack him, but she smiled before walking around the perimeter of the ring.

“Why do I have the impression you like to beat up women?” Her lazy gait as she circled the reaper was unhurried and calculating as she assessed her opponent.

Breck flinched. “This is not about hurting you. Your animal must emerge or you will join the reaper clan. Honestly, I would love to see how you fare under Ferguson’s rule.”

“I bet you would. It would give you more opportunity to harass me,” she said.

Breck glanced at Colton. It was his only mistake. Riley rushed him, but she had no concept of how fast a reaper could be. Breck simply dissolved, smacking her back as he reformed a few inches away. The momentum sent her face-first into the ground. She spit pine needles from her mouth as she scrambled to her palms and knees.

“You’re quick. I’ll give you that,” she said, returning to her feet.

“You’re a fledgling. Your skills are pathetic next to mine,” Breck said.

Riley dusted the dirt from her pants. “Overconfidence is a killer.”

“As am I,” Breck said before he rushed her.
