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“I disagree. It’s unwise to expose her to Dannika until we investigate her ability further,” Steele said.

Breck’s face hardened. “Ferguson said I was to test her and confirm she had an animal. Then I was to escort her to Dannika. Understandably, the Queen is eager to meet her. I will not oppose Ferguson at this time.”

Riley found it interesting that Breck seemed willing to oppose the queen, but not Ferguson. There was real fear there, and regret. She was curious what Breck had done to disappoint Ferguson.

“I want to meet Dannika. I need to figure out what these visions mean, and I believe she is the only one who can help me. We can still investigate my heritage and my abilities. I want to know as much about them as you do,” Riley said.

Colton rubbed his chin. “Perhaps we could wait a few days. I can work with Riley to stabilize her warrior. Give her more training before we meet with Dannika.”

Breck’s eyes flared with red flames. “No. Any training she requires may be done at the Wolf clan. If Dannika dismisses her, then you may return.”

Steele cleared his throat. “While I would prefer to keep Riley here a few more days, I won’t oppose Dannika. We forced her to take the position of Queen. If we don’t respect her request then the alliance between our clans will fall. Colton, prepare Riley for the trip. Take her to the Wolf clan.”

Colton nodded and took Riley’s hand. He led her away from the curious and wary glances of the cougar clan. He stopped to write shadow script in the air before him. The black shadows moved in the air, forming words before they disappeared. The response from Raine was instantaneous.

“Are we leaving now?” she asked.

“In a couple of hours. Dannika is sleeping. We will travel once she’s awake.”

“It’s strange, but I haven’t felt tired since I became a shadow.”

Colton smiled. “It’s one of our advantages. The older we become the less sleep we will require, but fledglings still need a few hours a day. Despite her position, Dannika is still considered a fledgling. She’s just the most powerful one to exist.”

She glanced up at the treehouse when they reached the base. “What now?”

“Do you want to climb up?”

Riley held her hands in front of her. “You were able to extract your claws in human form. Can I do that?”

“Yes. Connect with your cat. Show her the image of you climbing the tree.”

Riley pictured climbing with human hands and cat claws. Her eyes widened as her fingertips burned, emerging with blood-tipped talons. She placed one on the base of the tree, sinking it into the soft bark. “Wow.”

Colton extended his claws. “Now, do the same with your feet, then follow me.” He scaled the tree as if he were crawling on flat land.

She mimicked the action, scrambling up the tree like a spider. She laughed when she flipped over the side railing onto the deck. “That was amazing.”

Colton pulled her into his arms. “You’re amazing.” His lips descended on hers. A soft exploration of her mouth that had her clutching at his sides.

She was so caught up in the moment, she simply moved with Colton when he backed her up towards the door and inside the house.

Her heart thumped in her chest. A runaway train without a track. No destination, just speed, force, and desire. She broke the kiss. “What is going on between us?”

“This is new for me, but I want you with every breath I take.” He leaned in, fastening his mouth to hers. This kiss was unlike anything she had imagined, and she’d had many fantasies about kissing and what went on afterward. The curious exploration turned hot, tantalizing, and addictive. It evolved from gentle licks and nips to rough and insistent. His muscles tensed beneath the skin. Steel cords wrapped under velvet that held her in an iron embrace.

The taste of him was unbelievable. Like lightning and mountain dew. A spicy, tantalizing taste that had her begging for more.

Riley clutched him, attempting to stay anchored inside the thunderstorm of desire. Afraid she would break apart at any minute.

While his tongue teased the seam of her lips, his hand slipped along her thigh, then cupped her bottom. The power within her rose up to tangle with his. Their shadows swirled around one another in a misty tango, every bit as seductive as his soft caress. A swirling mist of lust and desire.

Riley whimpered with the waves of ecstasy. She was unprepared for the full force of his voracious hunger and that of his shadow beast. It wrapped around her, looking to consume her, body and soul. An insatiable beast that centered on one thing alone. Her. The experience was scary and intoxicating. Teetering on the brink of lust and madness.

His voice was barely human. “I need you. My body has been in pain since the moment I saw you.”

Riley had never experienced such wanton desire. It rose from her soul, fueled by the force within her, annihilating her inhibitions and control. She had suspected she was capable of passion, but this fiery heat was all-consuming. Colton made her raw and edgy, begging for relief.

“I’ve never felt anything like this,” she said. The admission whispered against his lips.
