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“Yes, but you said it wasn’t sexual in nature. He beat you. Did I misunderstand?”

“He didn’t rape me, but he told me he would be watching me. That he was powerful and if I touched another man, he would be back. He said I wouldn’t survive the next attack, and I know he wasn’t lying,” she whispered.

Colton tipped her chin up so she could see his eyes. “You are under clan protection. My protection. This human doesn’t stand a chance against us. Even as a fledgling, you could rip him apart if provoked.” He glanced up as the black script formed above the bed. “It’s Raine.”

Riley focused on the misty script before it disappeared. “What did it say?”

“Dannika had a vision.”

Riley’s eyebrows arched. “I wonder why I didn’t see it?”

“Anaisa said you were the one to make the connection. Perhaps you were distracted.”

“What did she see?”

He rubbed his forehead, silently cursing the demons for their interference. He always felt like Riley was a hair’s breadth from slipping away from him. Holding her to him was like stopping a river with your hands. He turned when she touched her shoulder.

“What is it you’re reluctant to tell me?” Riley asked.

“Dannika had a vision of Deruthel. He was conversing with the demon king. The demon lord is getting impatient, and wants the vessel found. Used to open a permanent portal.”

“Did he say what the vessel was?” she asked.

“They need a virgin tri-bred for the sacrifice,” he said.

“A tri-bred?”

“That’s what they’re calling you and Dannika. Human, demon, and shadow shifter. Since Dannika is mated...”

“I’m the virgin tri-bred. They need my blood. I’m the vessel, aren’t I?”


Riley covered herself with her arms as her, and Colton’s clothes reappeared. She felt his frustration, and arousal; but despite his attempt to comfort her, she couldn’t overcome the trauma of her attack. Softly spoken words and reassurances couldn’t combat years of looking over her shoulder. Then there were the reminders.

“Yes. You’re the vessel. We should have figured it out sooner,” Colton said.

Riley rubbed her shoulders, attempting to ease the cold in her heart. “This isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I should’ve put it together.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were a virgin?” He said so softly she had to lean towards him.

“The attack left me scarred. More on the inside than out. The man who attacked me stocked me for years.”

Colton’s eyes narrowed. “Was he a reaper?”

Riley shook her head. “No. A reaper wouldn’t wear a ski mask. He didn’t bite me; he beat me until I begged him to kill me. I would have done anything to end the pain. That’s when he told me what would happen if I touched another man. Then he hit me harder. Eventually, my body shut down, and I blacked out.”

Black mist rolled off Colton’s shoulders as he struggled to get his warrior under control. “What happened after?”

“I woke up in the hospital.” Riley bit the inside of her cheek. The shame and helplessness were so much worse than the actual memories. “I was covered in bruises. My face was so swollen my eyes were shut. My dad said there were needle marks on both arms. They assumed he drugged me and raped me, but the kit came back negative, as did my blood work.”

Colton closed his eyes. “He took your blood?”

“I think so,” she said.

“Did your attacker have a Haitian accent?”

Riley recalled their brief conversation. He had whispered, keeping his voice so low she could barely focus through the pain. “He did have an accent. I couldn’t place it at the time, but now that I’ve spoken with Anaisa. It was similar.”
