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Breck sneered. “I gorged myself on the blood of a teenager. It was prime, perfect and powerful. You may have an alpha, but it’s weakened by your dietary restrictions. We have chosen a path that ensures our longevity, and are no longer leashed by the mandates of the queen.”

“The demons will use you, then feed you to their subordinates. When this war is over, you will be nothing more than rat fodder,” Colton hissed.

Breck growled before he rushed at Colton. The men came together in a series of blows, scratches and thundering fists. Riley tried to get out of the way, but an clawed hand caught her in the cheek, sending her to the ground as blood dripped from her chin.

Her shadow warrior retreated as the woods began to spin. Branches moved in a spiral pattern as she flipped to her back, touching her face with her fingertips. The slick crimson liquid ran down her neck as her vision blurred.

The consciousness that rose to the surface wasn’t what she expected. Angry growls echoed in her head before her body contorted and reshaped. Thick fur rolled over her skin encasing her in warmth as dozens of shadow warriors converged on the cluster of reapers.

Shouts and growls echoed in the air as Riley fought to stay conscious. The burning sensation ripped through her blood like lightning as her body attempted to purge the venom. Time stood still as she curled her tail around her body. Then he was there.

Colton picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She was too weak to move, but she licked his neck before closing her eyes.

His arms tightened around her as he jogged towards his home. “You never cease to amaze me. I hope this is one of many surprises you have in store for me.”


Colton lay Riley on the couch in his living room. Her eyes were closed as she curled up in a ball. His hand caressed her white and gray fur as she took a deep breath. He was about to call Raine, and ask him how he dealt with Dannika’s transformation, when Steele burst through the door.

Steele’s eyes fell on the sleeping wolf. “I can’t believe it. Riley is a poly shifter. Just like Dannika.”

Colton smiled. “Trust me, I was as surprised as you are.”

Steele knelt beside the couch, running a finger over Riley’s paw as if he were unsure if she was real. “Do you think all the female shadow warriors, will be poly shifters?”

“No idea, but the possibility is intriguing, and this practically guarantees that Riley is a direct descendant of the priestess, whether we can prove it or not.”

Steele stood. “I’m not sure if this will calm the Clan’s fears about Riley, or make matters worse.”

Colton’s eyes narrowed on Steele. “What are you trying to say?”

Steele rubbed his forehead. “You know there are concerns about Riley’s transition. Poly shifters are feared.”

“They accept Dannika.”

Steele glanced towards the door. “They accept her because I won’t allow dissension, especially with her having control over the reapers. We need them. As much as I hate to admit it. We won’t win a war against the demons without them.”

Colton rolled his shoulders. “Then you explain to the clan that Riley is mine, and that she is here to stay. If you don’t, I will.”

Steele’s eyes flashed. “Are you challenging me, boy?”

“I’m no boy, and you won’t disrespect me like that again. While I accept it’s my destiny, I am in no rush to be alpha.”

Steele shook his head. “I’m sorry, you didn’t deserve that.” He glanced at Riley. “She’s your mate, isn’t she?”


“It’s a rare gift. Don’t waste it.” Steele said.

“I don’t plan to.”

Steele walked towards the door. “I will inform the clan that Riley is a poly shifter, and a valued member of our clan.” He closed the door quietly after he left.

Colton sat on the floor beside the couch running his hands over Riley’s fur. “I know you were listening. I could hear the difference in your breathing.”

She opened her eyes before she winked at him.

“If you have the audacity to wink at me, you are healthy enough to shift. You may feel tired, but your body should have purged the reaper venom from your blood by now,” Colton said.
