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“Ferguson is bringing a reaper who left the clan. He says he wishes to return, but I’m unsure of his motives,” Dannika said.

Anaisa nodded. “You are wise to be suspicious.”

Ferguson entered the living room with Irdane. The reaper glanced around, clearly uncomfortable in the priestess’s home. “Are you sure we’re safe here?” Irdane whispered to Ferguson.

Anaisa arched an eyebrow. “You will only burst into flames if I will it.”

Irdane blanched, but Riley and Dannika covered their smirks.

Anaisa winked at Ferguson. “You are both safe. The spells that ward the village are aimed at those who wish us harm. Since both reapers have entered our home with no effect, neither wishes us ill will.”

Dannika turned to Irdane. “Is he trustworthy?”

Irdane nodded quickly. “I promise that everything I said is the truth.”

Anaisa’s eyes narrowed on the reaper. “Irdane has not lied, but his soul is dark. Whether it can be redeemed is still unknown. He will have a final choice. One that will solidify his destiny.”

“That isn’t exactly helpful,” Dannika said.

Anaisa’s narrowed on Ferguson. “Yet it is the truth.” She pointed at the ancient reaper. “He is an enigma.”

“Fergie?” Dannika asked.

Colton covered his stifled laugh with a cough.

Anaisa nodded. “I can’t read him. That has not happened to me in a very long time.” She motioned to Ferguson. “Can you tell me why?”

Ferguson bowed respectfully. “I’m sorry priestess, I cannot.”

“You can’t because you don’t want to, or you don’t know the answer.”

“I do not know why your gift has failed you,” Ferguson said.

Anaisa smiled. “It has not failed me. It simply means our paths are connected. A milestone must be reached before they part ways.”

For the first time since Riley met Ferguson, he looked wary. “How are they connected?”

Anaisa folded her hands in her lap, looking at Dannika. “While I can’t say for sure, I’m guessing she is the reason. Your loyalty is absolute. If you were not a reaper, I would call it love. Family. You are nothing like the reaper beside you. I have never met a creature such as you.”

“I lost my emotions a long time ago, priestess. I am loyal and will protect the queen until the day I die. I will use my skills to ensure the longevity of the shadow warriors.”

“That is all true,” Anaisa said.

Ferguson held her gaze. “I am incapable of love.”

Anaisa arched an eyebrow. “That is a lie, but it is too soon for you to believe me. I am curious about you. We will have tea... soon.”

“I will answer your questions. In truth, I am curious about your observations. I have not consumed anything except blood in hundreds of years.”

“That will change.”

Ferguson’s eyes flickered with black smoke so quickly Riley wasn’t sure she had seen it. There is something in the way Ferguson looked at Anaisa that made her curious. Her sister also noticed the strange byplay between the reaper and the priestess. Dannika winked at her before turning to Ferguson.

“Can you please take Irdane to the wolf caves? I don’t want him left unattended, and I wish to continue my visit with Anaisa and Riley.”

Ferguson nodded cordially, but he glanced at Anaisa, as if he didn’t want to leave. “Of course.” He led the younger reaper from the house.

Anaisa leaned forward, opening the lid of a marble box that sat on the coffee table. “You wish to know more about the demon’s activities.”
