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Riley shook her head. “Not yet. If they create a stable portal, then it’s the end of humanity.”

“Okay, but what’s my connection to the priestess? Why does Deruthel want my blood?”

“You are a descendant of that first priestess. We believe her blood has a specific power. While we’re not sure of the connection yet, he is after me too.”

Leah’s eyes narrowed on Riley. “Your descendant of this priestess as well?”

“Yes.” Riley’s eyes sparkled as she explained to Leah about shadows, reapers and the demons. The young woman was noticeably shaken, but calm considering the circumstances. That wasn’t what held Colton’s attention, however. It was the way Riley looked at her. It reminded him of how she looked at Dannika. Like a sister. There was a connection there, and he needed to know more about it.

Colton touched Riley’s arm, glancing at Leah. “There’s something between you. What is it?” He was surprised when Leah answered first.

“I feel connected to her, like we’ve met before. Maybe we did. Where did you work before you were attacked?”

Riley smiled sadly. “I volunteered at my father’s care facility, but we didn’t meet there. In fact, today was the first time I’ve laid eyes on you.”

Leah took a deep breath. “No, I feel we’ve met before.”

“I know you do. I feel the same way, but this is different,” Riley said.

Colton turned to Riley. “Explain the connection. Is it similar to you and Dannika?”

Riley shook her head. “It’s different, but I feel it. I’m guessing it’s the priestess’s blood. It’s strong in Leah.”

Leah put her hand on her forehead. “I think I need a timeout.”

Riley put her arm around Leah. “We are here to help you, Leah. Where would you like to go?”

Leah melted against Riley, clearly needing the companionship. “I want to go home, have a shower and get changed. I smell like a slaughterhouse and I have to figure out how to tell my family about this.”

“Leah, you can’t tell anyone about us or the demons. First, they would never believe you. You’d end up in a psychiatric evaluation. Trust me, I have been there.”

Leah’s shoulders slumped. “Yeah, I get that.”

“Let us take you home. Get you that shower and a change of clothes.”

Leah nodded.

“Where are you staying?”


Riley led Leah from the destroyed restaurant. Raine nodded a goodbye then disappeared into the pathway.

“Where is your apartment?” Riley asked.

Leah rubbed her stomach. “I rented a hotel near the Graydon County shelter. Gramma is fostering a teen who lost her parents, so she no longer has the extra bedroom.”

“It’s a bit of a walk, but we don’t mind. It gives us a chance to get to know one another,” Riley said.

They exited the restaurant that overlooked the fields of leafy green vines tethered to wire posts. The rich earth was hard packed into a track between rows that ran for miles in all directions. Fortunately, the restaurant was only a kilometer from the tree-lined main road.

Leah stopped at the corner of the field, picking a purple grape from its vine. “How do you recover from something like this?”

Riley touched a green leaf, allowing it to slip through her fingers. “I’d like to tell you it gets easier over time, but I still get teary-eyed when I think about my mother. Losing the people you love is never easy. You simply get to a point where you can focus on the good times rather than the loss.”

Leah nodded. “Dad will be devastated. My brother was supposed to be the one to fall in his footsteps, but he didn’t have a competitive spirit. We realized pretty early that Matt would pursue other avenues.”

Colton trailed behind Riley, and Leah as they strolled down the dirt road.
