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“Yes. She is a threat to you and Dannika. Gender has no relevance once, demon.”

Dannika flicked her hand, motioning to Ferguson’s face. “She did this to you?”

Ferguson shook his head. “The demons rushed to protect the woman I was forced to kill. I was overpowered and had to retreat.”

Dannika sighed. “I guess that explains why your face looks like it was put through a shredder.”

Ferguson’s eyes flickered. “I hate it when you flirt with me,” he said with a perfectly straight face.

Steele’s eyebrows arched. “Did that reaper just make a joke?”

Dannika pursed her lips. “He isn’t very good at it, but he is improving.”

Stern stood. “I’m not sure which is scarier. Female demons, a reaper most of us fear telling jokes or the impending war.”

Dannika’s eyes narrowed on Ferguson. “You only attempt humor when you’re trying to distract me. There’s something you’re not telling me.”


Riley held her breath as Dannika stared at Ferguson, waiting for an answer. The ancient reaper’s jaw flexed, obviously unused to being put on the spot; but she had the impression it wasn’t about sharing information. It was obvious when he looked at Dannika or spoke to her. His look was one of pride and admiration. He only held back when relating negative information. Things that would hurt Dannika’s feelings.

Ferguson was a complete enigma. He was impossibly fast and didn’t think twice about killing demons, but his loyalty to the queen was unwavering and no one understood where it originated from. He had pushed Dannika to become queen. He had protected her when no one else could.

Ferguson cleared his throat. “Leah wasn’t the only female demon in the cave. They were... accepting three more before I was attacked by the other female.”

Dannika’s face paled. “What do you mean by accepting?”

Ferguson glanced between the men. “It appeared as if the female demons were selecting the men.”

“For what?”

“To breed.”

Dannika put her hand over her mouth. “Dear God. Did you see them?”

“No. My fight with the other female interrupted their... ceremony.”

Dannika smiled sadly at the reaper. “I’m glad you’re all right.”

Riley nodded. “Me too. It’s too dangerous to infiltrate their cave.” She paused. “What happens if you’re in the pathway that leads to and from the cave? Can they attack you while you’re in the stream?”

“Since we create an invisible shield around our molecules when we travel the pathway, they typically slide around each other in passing.”

“You say typically. Does that mean they could attack inside the pathway?” Riley asked.

Ferguson nodded. “It’s possible, if they were on a suicide mission. That type of attack would scatter both of their molecules, and the likelihood of either surviving would be slim.”

Riley frowned. “So bad idea. Got it.”

Raine’s eyes narrowed on Ferguson. “How many did you kill, Ferguson?”

Riley was curious what prompted Raine to ask. As Ferguson’s face smoothed over, completing the healing process, she realized the kind of fight he’d been subjected to in order to sustain such injuries.

“I killed seven before I was forced to retreat. There were hundreds in the cave. I could smell them. Hear them. It’s an excellent staging point. And normally I would suggest getting the cartographer to the location to map it, but I can’t guarantee his safety at this time.”

Dannika’s eyes flickered. “I won’t risk Darren for a map. We know where they are and that we can’t hit them there. That’s good enough for now.”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Ferguson said.
