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Riley swallowed dry air. “What does it do to a shadow?”


Riley glanced at the entrance as two soldier demons entered the room. They glanced at her with hungry eyes, but moved to the bottom of the dais. They spoke to Deruthel in a guttural language she didn’t understand, but almost smiled when Deruthel hissed with displeasure. He dismissed the soldiers and turned to her.

She didn’t wait for him to speak. “Are you going to answer my question?”

“I had assumed the poison would kill him as it does a demon. Since he still lives, we will both find out.”

“There is no antidote?”

“I could choose to save him by having him drink my blood, but I guarantee that won’t happen. Your mate is destined to die.”

Riley glanced at the hallway the soldiers had exited from. “Did you get some bad news?”

“The shadows have proven resistant to our terraforming efforts. One, in particular, has proven troublesome.”

“Why are the shadows such an enigma to you?”

“Shadows are a new development in our evolution. I am yet to decide how to best utilize this resource. If it cannot be harnessed, it will be eradicated.”

Riley pursed her lips. She couldn’t decide which was more unnerving. The coldness in which he spoke or the military intelligence he displayed openly. She could hate him, but she would never underestimate him. The demon general had survived for eons because he had out maneuvered every opponent in demon history.

“How many worlds have fallen before ours?”

“Dozens that I know of.”

She closed her eyes before forcing the next question. “How can I save Colton?”

Deruthel smiled. “So easy.”

“What is?” Riley asked.

“To manipulate the women of this world. I was angry that you took a mate, but perhaps it will work to my advantage.”

“It may not be me, but I hope it’s a woman who brings you down. That high horse you’re riding is crumbling at your feet, but you can’t see it.”

Deruthel’s laugh echoed in the room. “You’re not the first to predict my demise, and you won’t be the last. Threats born of despair excite me in ways you are yet to experience. You and I will have a lot of time to get to know one another. Soon you will realize how ridiculous your prediction is.”

“You can take my prediction and shove it straight up your demon ass. I hope you choke on your confidence.”

“Irdane reported you to be the submissive twin. I’m delighted by your backbone, and look forward to breaking it,” he said with flickering red eyes.

Riley’s retort died on her lips as the woman beside Leah got to her knees. She swayed back and forth like a cobra entranced by a snake charmer’s song.

Deruthel’s eyes narrowed on the woman. “It’s too soon.”

The woman fell to the floor, twisting in unnatural proportions as she screamed. Like the woman before her, her skin split before black oil oozed from the wounds. This time, Riley kept her eyes on the woman’s flesh as it dissolved before her eyes. Her blood turned to acid and eroded all the surrounding tissue until the screams stopped and a pool of black jelly remained.

“This is your future?” Riley asked.

Deruthel snarled, “Halak!” he yelled.

In seconds, Halak scurried to the main room. His eyes were wild as he looked for the source of his master’s anger. “Yes, my Lord.”

Deruthel pointed at the black puddle. “I believed she was recent.”

Halak squinted. “She was turned last night.”
