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“You’re evil,” she said.

“Your representation of evil is based on reconnaissance missions that became part of your biblical lore.”

“You believe someone observed you or some of your brethren, and it became the basis of our biblical demons.”

“Of course. We visited this world long before the war.” There was something in the way he spoke that created a slithering sensation along her skin. A lie. She thought about the things her father had told her growing up. About Angels and Demons. While such things were subject to interpretation, she detected a faint glimmer of fear. Of what, she wasn’t sure. How had her father hidden her from the demons?

“If that’s true, why do demons avoid church land?”


Riley glanced at Halak when the soldier demon growled. “Did I hit a nerve?”

Deruthel sneered. “You already possess blessed steel, so you are aware of the effects it has on us.”

“But blessed steel is from your world.”

“You think that matters? Holy objects or land represent the belief of the people. It has never mattered which culture or world we conquer. They have the means to withstand an assault from us for a limited time. This small amount of hope makes their destruction sweeter.”

“You don’t sound particularly sour about weapons that can harm you,” Riley said.

“It’s irritating, but then it makes the game more fun.”

Her teeth snapped together. “You think this is a game?”

“Every culture has a form of recreation that pits one opponent against the other. I believe yours is called chess.”

She shook her chains when she raised her arm. “That is a strategy game with plastic figurines.”

Deruthel smiled. “The priestess taught me. It is indicative of your future. While chess uses kings, queens and knights to conquer one’s opponent, our game is far more direct. The demons are the kings, while the queens grovel at our feet, and the rest of humanity are simply pawns.”

She huffed. “Well, your delusions of grandeur fit in with past dictators. But I should warn you, it never worked out for them.”

“They were human. You are an inferior species.”

“If that’s true, why do you want me?” Riley asked.

“You are no longer human. In truth, you never were. I believe in your world you would call it a sleeper agent.”

Riley coughed. “That implies I want to help you and was waiting for the chance for you to call on me.”

“While the first isn’t true, the second is. All the descendants of the priestess were designed by us. Created for the sole purpose of recolonization. You are quite simply, ours.”

“Go to hell,” she hissed.

Deruthel laughed. “While I find our conversations amusing. You still have not answered my question. Will you stand by my side to save your mate?”


Deruthel sneered. “Do you really want to test me? I am not a shadow. There are no boundaries I won’t cross to accomplish my goal.”

“And I will die before I help you.”

Deruthel’s gaze roamed over her. “So willful. I hope our sons retain that spirit.” He pointed to the tunnel. “Halak, retrieve our female guest.”

Riley’s heart stuttered. “What have you done?”

“Consider it a gift.” He turned as Halak entered with a petite blond teenager. Her black mascara streamed down her face as she begged her captor to let her go.
