Page 25 of Killing Me Softly

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My stepdad arrived home soon after Ash and I did, so we had to explain everything all over again to the both of them over dinner that none of us really ate. I debated asking my mom to confirm Ash’s story about my dad, but decided not to. I’m not sure how much Rick knows about it, to be honest, and it’s still such a painful wound in my chest, I didn’t want to pick at it.

Knowing my dad was a hero to his MC is nice. But it changes nothing. He was always a hero to me.

But now we’re back in my bedroom, the blinds are up and the window is open. Dusk is quickly turning to night and the evening breeze is carrying with it the scent of the distant sea. We’re laying on the covers of my bed, Ash’s arms around me as he kisses me deeply, and this is the most at peace I ever remember being. And the most aroused, at the same time.

Cicadas are whirring outside, I can hear the TV downstairs as my parents settle down to watch a movie like they do every night. My bedside light is on, coloring his skin and mine a golden brown.

Ash’s kisses are getting bolder, his lips leaving mine and traveling down my neck, soft at first, then growing harder and harder, sending sensations of crackling bliss and naked need straight through my core.

His hands are busy too, sliding in under my shirt, caressing my stomach and breasts. My nipples are erect and throbbing and as he takes one between his thumb and forefinger and twists, I let out a moan so loud, I’m afraid the whole neighborhood heard me, let alone my parents downstairs. But I’m exaggerating and the last thing I want is for him to stop.

I get bolder with my hands too, peeling up his shirt to reveal his abs and his pecks that until now I’ve only assumed were tight and rippling and dreamy to touch. They are. I peel up his shirt and he takes over, stops the kisses and moves away so he can removed his shirt and his jeans too. The tent in his dark boxers is impressive, mesmerizing me completely until his eyes are once again on me. They’re still every bit as all-engulfing as before, but the lust and desire is sharp, dangerous even. No one I’ve ever met has such an unguarded look in his eyes. No one else could ever give me such a physical, visceral reaction just by looking at me. I sigh and moan, as his gaze intensifies.

He’s standing at the side of the and takes my hand to pull me up too. Despite the urgent need in his eyes, his hands move very slowly as he peels up my shirt. I sigh as the cool, sea-scented breeze hits my bare skin. My leggings follow, and I help him with those. I can feel all the pent up desire and lust he’s holding tightly locked up and as I reach behind me to unclasp my bra and take it off, it explodes.

He grabs me and kisses me again, hungry, fast deep. I must weight nothing to him as he lifts me up and tosses me back on the bed, and love the feeling of being weightless, being in his hands completely. No awkward maneuvering, no sheepish glances. He knows what he wants and he takes it. I’m it and I need him to take me.

His hot lips are on me again, kissing and nipping. His calloused hands kneading the soft flesh of my breasts. I moan and writhe on the bed, trying to get closer to his lips as he kisses my nipple, then takes it in his mouth and rolls in on his tongue. First one and then the other. And I’m still riding that high, that crest of the wave of calm waters as his kisses reach my clit. He nips it right through the fabric of my panties, and the jolt of bliss propels me upwards, to get closer to his lips again, which are gone.

But in the next moment my panties are off, and his lips are back on my pussy, licking and nipping even biting the soft sensitive flesh and I can’t think, can’t reason, can’t do anything else but be this pleasure he’s giving me.

I gasp as he inserts a finger into me, pumping in and out, adding another, stronger note of pleasure to the one his lips are waking. I’m trying to catch my breath, trying to hold on, to what I’m not entirely sure, but if I let go I’m lost.

He adds another finger, and I moan so loudly it echoes off the walls. That just emboldens his to start pumping them in and out faster, fiercer, his tongue and lips on my clit following suit. He’s not too rough, just rough enough to let me know he’s got me where he wants me. And it’s exactly where I want to be too.

A few more thrusts, a few more nips and licks and I’m gone, the high wave of pleasure taking me under, into the depths of that lake in his eyes, where everything is quiet, and pleasant and peaceful.

When I open my eyes, he’s looking down at me, the lake glinting in his eyes, his cock pulsing and throbbing against my clit.

He kisses me, and I taste myself on him, and him, and everything that was and could be and will be.

“You ready?” he asks and I spread my legs wider, rubbing my pussy against his throbbing cock.

Honestly, it feels like a whole iced tea bottle is seeking entrance there, but I’m not thinking with that rational part of my brain that should probably be afraid of his size.

“Yes,” I moan, dragging out the s.

And in the next moment, as he rubs his cock along my clit and presses in, I’m no longer so sure. And then a second later, I know it’s everything I ever wanted.

The head slides in, stretching me open, making me dig my fingers into his taut, hard muscles to hold on. Why? I still don’t know.

He gives me more, pulls out, gives me more again, his eyes never leaving my face, the smile on his lips growing wider.

I grab the sides of his face and pull him down for a kiss. And as our lips meet he thrusts into me deeper than I’ve ever been entered, hitting a spot no one has touched before.

The smile is gone from his face, his eyes no longer clear as he picks up the pace, thrusting deeper and deeper, making me his in body too. Because my soul already belongs to him.

We’re both loud now, me moaning, him groaning, and his thrusting cock is making me feel things that are too good, too blissful, too strong and too pleasant for my body to contain.

I’m drowning in the pleasure, can’t get a breath, can’t move, can’t escape.

But why do I want to escape? I don’t need to escape.

And as I realize that, as I let go, stop fighting the pleasure it blossoms inside me, breaking all barriers, knowing no bounds.

The orgasm builds and builds, fanned by his thrusting cock, by his eyes, by the pleasure on his face, by his breathless surrender to me. Just as I’ve surrendered to him. He comes too, with me, joining us in this too. As it was meant to be.

I will never be the same after tonight. I already knew I’d never be the same the moment I met him. And that is exactly as it should be.
