Page 9 of Killing Me Softly

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“So I’ve been told,” I say back, smiling coyly then twirl around so the skirt of my dress flares around me, glinting in the overhead lights.

I felt free and in the moment before, but it’s nothing compared this. Just his eyes on me are enough to bring a calm to my mind and chest that I hardly remember ever feeling. Let alone his hands as he places them on my waist.

“I’m not really much of a dancer,” he admits.

“It’s a good thing I am,” I say with a smile and twirl again, letting the rhythm of the song consume me. It’s an R&B number with a heavy base and a nice, melodic chorus and as I work my body to the beat and his eyes swallow me whole, I feel like I’ve finally found a place I belong. However ridiculous that sounds. It’s not, not under his appreciative gaze, not under these lights, not on this night.

I get bolder as the song intensifies, bringing him into my dances, making us one as I tailor my moves to his perfectly chiseled, muscular tallness. It’s us the people around us part for now. Not that I notice, not really, as far as I’m concerned we’re here alone. Just the two of us, lost in the music.

“For a guy who claims he can’t dance, you’ve got some nice moves,” I whisper to him, my hands resting on his taut waist, my lips dangerously close to his.

“Maybe I just never had the right dancing partner,” he says and winks at me. “But I could use a breather. How about we find a more comfortable spot.”

“Lead the way,” I say. Maybe I’m being too forward. But he’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time, and how can that be wrong.

A catch a glimpse of Lily and Eagle at the edge of the dance floor. Even from across the room it’s evident how badly they’d rather be kissing. But for some reason they’re not. I’m sure she’ll tell me all about it later.

The cool night air hitting my face as we exit the main part of the club is far from sobering. The fragrant night air is full of possibility, full of life and his hand holding mine has a lot to do with that. Pretty much everything, actually.
