Page 51 of Lily's Eagle

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He keeps his eyes fixed on mine as he pushes in anyway, stretching me beyond anything I've ever experienced, ripping me open, but in the best possible way.

And as soon as that first wave of resistance melts away, I’m flooded again by the sparkling goodness of knowing that I now have everything I ever needed and wanted, everything I didn’t know how to ask for.

He’s huge, there’s no two ways about it. But he fits me perfectly anyway, every inch welcome, embraced by my body. As it should be. As it always should’ve been.

He pulls out a little and I miss him. He pushes back in and I moan and writhe and finally accept.

He does this again and again. Until I feel like I’m looking out through his eyes and he’s looking through mine, until the starry sky and blazing fire, cool earth and cold nighttime breeze are all a part of us too. Until nothing separates us from the other anymore and everything in this wild natural world is a part of us.

His thrusts soon get faster, then deeper, then shallower again. I open my legs wider to let him in deeper, dig my nails into the taut skin and muscle of his hips to urge him on.

He needs no more coaxing than that.

He starts thrusting into me, opening me up and making me take it, giving me exactly what I needed, the one thing that’s always been missing.

His cock, its thrusts, soon have me skirting the edge of the greatest pleasure possible. But it’s always just beyond the next thrust, the next pump of his cock, so enticingly close, yet so damn far away. Just out of reach.

Until it’s not.

Until it crashed through me, into me like lightning multiplied by a million, made up only of bliss and unbelievable pleasure, followed by the drenching deluge of universe shattering goodness and rightness.

And the last thing I remember thinking as the flash flood of pleasure takes me away is, “Why the hell did we wait this long?”

* * *

Something wakes me suddenly, with a jerk and a fright. The night is as dark as it can be, and all that’s left of the fire are a few tiny glowing orange embers buried in the darkness. I’m not cold though.

We’re spooning, wrapped in the quilt, Eagle’s soft skin hot against my back and just perfect. But I can’t lie still and enjoy it.

Whatever woke me is still lurking out there, in the total darkness, and I don’t feel safe.

I wiggle to extricate myself from Eagle’s embrace so I can raise my head and look around. He grabs me tighter to prevent me from going, one of his hands cupping my breast the other around my stomach. Even in sleep his pull on me is strong.

Two headlights, yellow and perfectly still in the darkness are staring back at me as I turn my head towards the road. A flash of recognition of nothing in particular, just great fear, sends my heart racing and turns my breaths jagged.

I tug on Eagle’s arm, trying to rouse him. “Someone’s here watching us. Wake up.”

I’m whispering, but urgently and the way he takes his sweet time waking up is driving me crazy. Especially because the headlights are gone by the time he eventually does. His eyes are barely open as he looks in the direction I’m pointing.

“Headlights, there,” I say.

“I don’t see anything,” he says hoarsely and wraps his arms tighter around my waist.

“They were there a second ago,” I insist.

“You probably just dreamed it,” he says and kisses my neck, his lips hot and heavy against my skin, which has already grown icy in the absence of the quilt and his hot body wrapped around me.

“Your heart’s racing,” he says softly and kisses me right over where it beats the hardest, making me sigh and forget how to be afraid for a moment.

“You don’t have to be scared, I’m here. I’ll protect you,” he says and kisses me again.

And again. His hands are on my breasts, his fingers playing with my nipples, squeezing and gently twisting, making me very aware of his pulsing, hard cock pressing into my butt and my body’s need to have it where it belongs, inside me.

The fear that woke me gets shut out as the pleasure his kisses and caresses and soft spoken promises bring builds and builds. And it all but disappears as his throbbing cock slides over my clit, the sparks of bliss becoming a hot river of electric fire as he slides into me.

His thrusts are slow and long, caresses more than pumps, yet they carry a serious kick that has me moaning and writhing as he opens me up and makes me his. As he gives me all of himself and takes away all worry and fear.

The buildup of pleasure is slower this time, but sturdier for it, a tower just for us, built brick by brick, kiss by kiss, thrust by thrust. Pleasure, searing hot, yet pleasant like summer afternoon rain, is coursing through me, flowing in my blood, soaking into my soul.
