Page 72 of Lily's Eagle

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“It is,” I tell him and lace my arm under Eagle’s.

Cross give us a barely perceptible smile and shakes his head. “I should’ve known when he wanted to go after you even though he was half dead.”

He turns to Eagle, who is stiff as a board. “Good job staying alive long enough to do that. I told you before, I trust you completely with my daughter. Stay as loyal to her as you’ve been until now and there should be no problems.”

I personally think that went very well, but Eagle is still very stiff as he nods solemnly. “Always.”

It sounds like an oath. To me. Because I’m the one he was looking at when he made it. And I could see the truth of it deep in his eyes.

Later, as we’re riding in the back seat of a pick-up truck, with Tina asleep and leaning against my back and me leaning against Eagle’s chest as he holds me tight, I’m fighting sleep, because I want this moment, this pure happiness of having found him alive, of getting free, of my father accepting us being together to last forever.

Ash is driving, and Tiny is beside him, his small eyes wide open and totally alert.

“How did you all get here so fast?” I ask.

“I’ve been wondering the same thing,” Eagle puts in.

Ash shrugs and glances at us through the rearview mirror. “I don’t know the why. But all of a sudden, three days ago, Cross told us we’re riding. We were going to find you. The truck you took had a tracker.”

He pauses as I gasp. But I’m too content to worry about that. If I’m being honest, I’m actually glad Cross took that precaution, all told.

“Anyway,” Ash continues. “The signal from the tracker was spotty, but we managed to track it to this location. We were out scouting for it when we found you, Eagle.”

“But you have no idea why Cross suddenly decided to look for me?” I ask. He probably wasn’t told, but I do know how they all gossip.

“No, sorry, I don’t,” he says. “You’ll have to ask him.”

And I mean to. But I’ll worry about it later, when we get to where we’re going. I’m sure there’ll be a lot more than just that to worry about there.

So right now, I’ll just enjoy the feel of Eagle’s strong heart beat against my cheek and his strong arm around me. And the knowledge that nothing will ever separate us again.



The bright morningsun blinds me as I open my eyes. I don’t know if that’s what woke me, or the fact that the car is no longer moving, or maybe Cross calling my name softly.

“We’re here,” Cross says as I look at him with eyes half closed to make sure I’m not just dreaming the whole thing. “So look sharp. They might come at us with guns before they come to talk.”

The air has that fresh, dewy scent of a clear, early fall morning in the country, as I follow Eagle out of the truck. I wish we were waking up in a bed together, covered by our quilt, with plenty of time to rouse slowly, with lots of kissing and not a care in the world.

But we’re in front of the circular, tribal council building in town. The bikes and cars of my father’s men are parked in a way the allows for easy escape and the guarding of all approaches and I have no doubt it’s the same all around the building. If the locals come at us with guns raised it will be a whole different story that the last time it happened. A lot bloodier. I hope it doesn't come to that.

In the distance the town looks completely asleep, even the dogs are quiet. Well, most of them.

“Do they know we’re here?” I ask.

“Seems so,” Cross says, pointing to the left where two columns of cars of all sorts are approaching us. It’s the same from the other direction, and on both sides they’re taking up both lanes, all driving towards us.

“Get ready,” Cross shouts to his men, who are all lined up on the perimeter. “Don’t draw yet. Let’s see if they’ll talk first.”

That sounds so damn ominous.

“They’ll talk,” I tell him and he just shrugs, his eyes only for the approaching convoys.

Eagle is blinking in the sunlight beside me, showing every sign of trying to shield me with his body. I take his hand and stand beside him.

The two double columns soon meet on the road in front us and stop right there. So much for an easy escape.
