Page 76 of Lily's Eagle

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It took days to sort everything out in town and the scrapyard, not to mention us getting the go-ahead from Doc to return to the campground, but we finally got here last night. To our bed in our trailer. To the place where we finally connected all the way, to each other, to the whole wide world. The place where we found the love we’d spent too long ignoring.

Birds are chirping outside, waking me into the dawn of another beautiful day. Even through the grimy window I can already see the sun rising.

I wrap my arms tight around Eagle’s warm body under the quilt and kiss his neck softly before whispering into his ear, telling him to wake up.

He does, almost immediately, rolling over effortlessly under our quilt to kiss me. The sun explodes inside me as he does, in all its wonderful brightness and pleasant warmth. I feel like I’m floating on the soft clouds warmed by it, running through the grass, floating on the slow river.

Eagle’s kiss gets fiercer and I kiss him back with just as much fire, desire, lust and love.

He’s on top of me now, his strong body taut, every muscle coiled in anticipation. But his eyes are very soft, dream-like, as he enters me, completing our circle with soft, long thrusts, timed perfectly to the beating of our hearts, our breaths, our moans and our kiss.

The electricity of our love is crackling and sparkling inside me and all around us, brightening the world even more than it already was bright, lighting our path all the way to forever. That’s how long we’ll be together. I know it. I’ve dreamed it, so it must be.

His thrusts turn harder, wilder, and I’m matching every one, willing him to go deeper, to join us in this perfect bliss completely and seamlessly. Electricity turns molten, carrying pleasure I can barely contain on its sparkling current. Yet I will contain it. Because I want this pleasure, this bliss, this happiness to last forever and never end.

And it doesn’t. Not at all. Not even after the rising shocks and waves of pleasure smother me completely, and an orgasm that rips right through the very center of my being makes me forget all else.

No, it simply lasts and lasts, even as we lie in each other’s arms later, warm and sated, breathing softly and trying not to fall sleep.

“You’re my everything, Lily,” he says. “You always were. I hope you know that.”

I hold him tighter and kiss his chest, right over the spot where his heart beats the hardest.

“I do know that,” I say. “And I feel the same way. You’ve always meant everything to me too. I wish I showed it more.”

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. “You did. In every way that mattered. And I knew it too.”

I lift my head and kiss him on the lips. And know this love that’s coursing through my veins will last forever. Know it as I know my name and his. Know it as I know the happy eyes of our children, which I’ve only ever seen in my dreams, but will soon see in the real world too, I’m certain.


Six Years Later


The hot summersun is setting over the river, coloring it in shades of gold and lilac. Our twins, Aquene and Aranck, peace and stars, our precious three-year old boy and girl, are splashing in the water while their grandpa, Eagle’s father, is trying to teach them how to fish. He doesn’t see it, but I do, as they sneak up behind him and start splashing just as he turns. A moment later they’re all in the water, laughing so loud I can hear them all the way on the porch of our home overlooking the camp.

Our home isn’t a grimy, run-down trailer anymore. It’s a spacious wooden cabin built by Eagle and his father, with a little help from me and the twins. And the camp isn’t just a falling down wooden structure and two trailers that had seen better days. It’s a series of cabins now, built around a large open area big enough for spectacular bonfires, dances and outdoor classes. It’s also three rows of tipis, ten to a row, which house kids from all over almost year round. Kids who want to learn more about their heritage, kids that are the future, kids that just need a little love to stay on the right path and do wonderful things with their lives. The same goes for the counselors that help us out.

And our beautiful home overlooks it all.

I am happy. I am content. I have finally found what’s always been missing in my life, and what I searched for so hard for all these years.

“I hope he doesn’t drown them,” Eagle says as he walks up and wraps his arms around me, lacing them over my belly.

“Or they him,” I reply and lean back against his chest, laying my hands over his.

The twins are climbing all over their grandpa, not letting him stand up from the water. All of them are laughing so hard I feel it more than hear it.

“I’m late. So I think we’ll have at least one more of the little rascals soon,” I say and feel Eagle’s breath catch in his throat.

I look back to try and see his face and get spun around faster than a breath and kissed so deeply, I no longer know which way is up or down, left or right.

As always, the world explodes with all that is perfect when we kiss. That hasn’t changed. Not that I expected it to. Because it never will.

“I guess I should do the right thing and finally marry you then,” he says with a smile once we’re just holding each other and gazing deep into each other’s eyes. Sometimes, when we do this, when the world is very still as it is now, I’m sure I can see all the way to the beginning in his eyes. And all the way to the end of time too.

“We’re already married, as far as I’m concerned,” I say and grin at him. “But if it’ll make you feel better, then sure, we can get hitched.”

We’ve promised ourselves to each other so many times, under the stars, warmed by the firelight, in the sun and rain, and floating in the slow, velvet-soft river. In words and in deeds.

He grins too and kisses me again. Deep like the river. Endlessly like the universe, and with all the fire and heat of the sun. Today, yesterday, tomorrow, and forever. All of it is one. And all of it is ours.

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