Page 9 of Tearing the Sky

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“I didn’t refuse it... specifically. I just know he isn’t here, so there is no sense in me waiting for him.”

Rey chuckled. “I hope you are good at climbing stairs. It is the first thing we learn.”

Arluth paused and darted behind a desk. “She doesn’t have her ration ticket or her dorm registration.”

Lily smiled. “You are in my dorm room. We are on the fourth level here in the bond house. You just have to be in by eight. Miss Rey, may I accompany you?”

“You can if you can.”

Arluth clipped a tight band on Iris’s wrist. “There. That will entitle you to basic rations in the city. Any inn or food vendor will supply you with the designated calorie count.”

“Thank you.” She inclined her head and then turned to Rey. “Shall we?”

Rey grinned. “Of course, my lady.”

Lily nodded. “Wait for me.”

Rey snorted and started to walk toward the door. “Storm riders don’t wait. Lives are usually at stake.”

Iris nodded, and they left the bond house and followed the woman to a narrow set of stairs that hugged the inner wall of the barricade that protected the city. Rey started to take the steps two at a time, but Iris took each step as she climbed upward. The city wall was enormous, so it was quite the climb. She was coated with sweat by the time she got to the top, but the view was incredible.

“Oh, wow.”

Rey looked at her and smiled with satisfaction. “I thought that you would enjoy the view.”

Iris looked down the steps, and Lily was only halfway up. “She’s been on restricted motion for a few years.”

“Haven’t you?”

Iris paused. “Yeah. But... I’m different.”

Rey laughed. “Come on. Your sibling can catch up. Aybee, we have a straggler coming up the steps. Can you help her hydrate?”

Aybee laughed. “Of course. You need water for that one you have?”

“She looks fine.”

Iris steeled herself. “I do require water.”

A water bag came flying at her, and she took a few sips. “Thank you.”

The woman nodded. “You know there is a lift, right?”

“I guessed there was, but as storms tend to affect power, it is wise to maintain basic physical fitness.”

Rey laughed. “You call that basic?”

“It is running up stairs. My thighs are going to hate me when I try and go downstairs, but it isn’t the end of the world.”

Rey chuckled. “Come with me, my lady.”

Iris nodded and waved at Lily. Lily waved back and kept coming.

Rey took her away from the steps, and they headed toward the area where the birds perched and rubbed against each other.

The Korik were gorgeous, and they were huge. Gold, silver, and pearl were the colour of the feathers.

“Are they all female?”
