Page 15 of Jealous Savage

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I swallow hard, realizing the effect this woman has on me, realizing how I’m changing…and I embrace it because it’s her.

Climbing out of the shower I go over my mental checklist as I move to my dresser, pulling out my all-black attire before making my way toward the tools that hang on the wall. Grabbing the edge of the sheet metal I pull it back, exposing my hidden arsenal big enough to support an entire platoon in a firefight.

I only grab what I’m going to need. Speed and stealth will be of the utmost importance tonight, which means I need to go on the bike. That means I can only take one rifle, some grenades, and a couple of knives, in case it comes down to that.

My lips peel back in a smile. This ends tonight so that tomorrow our life together can begin the way it’s supposed to.

I prepare, move toward my motorcycle, put it in neutral, and quietly guide it out of the warehouse, locking it behind me, and locking her in in the process.

Pushing the bike a good hundred yards from where she sleeps, so the sound of the engine starting doesn’t wake her, I get on the bike, fire it up and head off into the night quickly melting into that which has always been home for me. The shadows. The darkness. The underworld.

Tonight I close that chapter of my life forever, so I can start an entirely new book with her.

And the family we’ll create together. Because she is meant for me and she will be mine. Always.



Stirring in my sleep I wake with a start, my body folding in half as I bolt upright and slam my hands into the mattress. My head twists one way and then the other as I try to get my bearings.

It takes me a second to remember I’m not in my dorm and why that reason is.

“Sergio?” I call out, but nothing comes back. “It’s dark in here. Where are you?”

Nothing. I slide to the side of the bed, put my feet on the floor and hold my hands in front of me as I shuffle through the warehouse, the sound of my feet echoing, reminding me just how big and desolate this place is.

I manage to find a wall, but it’s covered in tools. I jump, putting my hand on a saw blade, thankful I didn’t cut myself.

He’s got to have a light switch by his workshop, I think to myself, and seconds later my hypothesis is proven right when I find one, flip it on, and am able to see.

My eyes close as I blow out a long breath. “Okay, that’s settled,” I say aloud. “But where is Sergio?

Walking to the front door, I grab the handle, turn it and yank on it, trying a number of things but nothing works.

Then I try to find a button or a remote to open the door big enough to allow a semi to pass.

Coming up empty I realize at least fifteen minutes have passed and he’s still not here.

Would he slide out for something to eat? At this hour?

I continue exploring his area, realizing what I already knew. Only the most Spartan of humans could live like this. Someone like Sergio.

Being away from the bed there is no fan on me, and I’m feeling hot. That coupled with the fact I drank a big glass of water before bed means I need to go to the bathroom, and probably take a shower too before I lie back down.

I do some of my best thinking in the bathroom and before I enter I start to wonder if I should try and wait by the door and ambush Sergio when he gets back.

But what happens if I overpower him? Then I’m on my own, at night, in a place I have no idea where it is on the map.

Not to mention he’ll be arriving with a motorcycle helmet on and gear specifically designed to protect him in case of a fall on the highway at high speeds.

Yeah, that idea is not going to work. Not to mention he’s my only protector and I don’t want to hurt him. The big guy is definitely rough around the edges and an acquired taste, but also one I’m quickly hungering for.

Moving to the bathroom, I flip on the light and that’s when I see it.

A tiny window.

Trying to ignore it I handle my business, shower, and move back toward the bed.

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