Page 13 of Make It Burn

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“You want to learn how to ride?” he asks.

“No, I can’t. I mean, I want to.” I tilt my head. “I don’t know.”

“I can teach you on the dirt bike until we move to this one.” His smile is kind and reassuring.

“You will?”

He nods, not saying anything. Brushing my hair back, I glance down at my shaking hands.

“Takes some practice,” he jokes nudging me with his elbow.

I close my eyes, feeling the heat of his body.

I open them, and he’s staring at me. Why do I have to make a complete fool of myself, especially with cute boys? Why doesn’t my heart skip a beat when I’m around my three best friends back in Nashville? Frankie, Evan, and Austin never make me lose my mind. They’re all kind of hot in their own ways. I always had girls in school ask me about them before they graduated. I never knew what to tell them except that the boys are all single and ready to mingle.

“So, Nashville?” Rone asks.

I beam. “I love it there but being here in California where I was born is a dream come true.”

“I thought you had some California in you,” he teases.

“My mom was raised in Orange County before she moved to Nashville. But what about you? You don’t sound like you’re from here.”

“Well, like I said, my grandpa has a farm near the Smoky Mountains. I grew up there when we weren’t on the road, hence the accent.”

“I was wondering about that.”

He pauses. “Thanks, I guess,” he says finally, chuckling.

We lock eyes, smiling at each other. We sit there until the sun sets, talking about everyday things. Our favorite movies, books, and music.

He laughs at my jokes and tells me what it was like being on the road with his father, and about his brother writing songs in Nashville, plus the countries Rone’s visited and how he’s worked backstage. We bond over our love for rock music and bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Allman Brothers Band.

“Look,” he says, tapping my hand before motioning to a sailboat in the distance. He touches me and goose bumps break out all over my body. Leaning in he smells my hair, and I love it. The soft growl escaping from his lips has my heart skipping a beat. He sucks in a breath of air and I shiver, hoping he’ll kiss me.

“You want to get back before it gets cold?” Standing, he holds out his hand.

“Okay,” I say softly. He pulls me up by my wrist, and the butterflies start to flutter through my stomach again.

He gets on the bike and I don’t hesitate when I sit behind him, holding on tight.

“Ready to go back home?” he asks, turning on the ignition, the rumble and the vibration making me giddy. He looks back at me, his pirate smile warming my heart, and I nod, not knowing if I ever want to go back to a world that he isn’t part of.
