Page 22 of Make It Burn

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Frankie chuckles.

“Frank, not you too.”

He holds up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, Allie. We love the guy, but he’s ... Evan, help me out here,” he says, turning to him.

“Leave me the fuck out of it,” Evan grunts, suddenly very interested in his drink.

Austin gets up from the couch and leans against the pool table, smiling and chucking back his beer.

“All of you traitors are pretending you haven’t seen his movies. You have your eyes glued to the television when he’s leaping off another damn building. Feels like a bromance to me.” I cross my arms.

“It’s not that we don’t like him, per se. We do like his movies and we like hanging out with him when he’s in town,” Austin says, looking around the group for support.

“It’s that we ...” Frankie continues.

“Oh fuck, say it already,” Evan groans.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” Gunner says, pushing Frankie out the way. “Max only has eyes for the dick.”

“Well, he is gay and in love with his assistant. Have you seen Tommy’s package?” I reply drily.

The boys all give me a look.

“He’s hot. Can’t blame a girl for noticing. But you know how it is in Hollywood, hell, the whole damn country. Even my tits don’t work on Max.”

Frankie gives me a high five.

Gunner looks ready to throw up. “Don’t say tits. You’re still my kid sister.”

“By five minutes,” I counter.

Frankie chimes in, “Why doesn’t he come out already? It is the twenty-first century.”

“Yeah right, Frank,” Evan mumbles. “Normal guys won’t come out, let alone a famous movie star with a million-dollar franchise to his name,” he states all angry, grabbing the bottle of moonshine and pouring two shot glasses full—one for himself and one for me. Frankie holds Evan’s gaze and his cheeks flush.

The other boys don’t notice it, but I do. What is up between those two? I thought they’d talked it out.

“Every time I see him, I want to punch his lights out. Nobody should be that happy in real life, is all I have to say,” Gunner continues, and Frankie avoids Evan’s intense stare, his cheeks still red.

I roll my eyes at Gunner, and Austin grins. He brushes a hand through his bleached blond hair, his mouth twitching, and he runs his tongue over his lip piercing while he focuses on the TV again.

“I’m helping him out; that is what friends do.” I seethe, taking a sip from the moonshine.

“Dude would hug it out during a bar fight, not throw a punch like Rone,” Frankie mumbles.

“Frank, come on,” Evan says as a warning.

“Eat me,” Frankie returns.

“Way to bring this conversation up a notch. I like to forget those black-eyed bar brawls, thanks very much,” Austin jokes, walking back to the couch after grabbing another beer.

“Glad that asshole sort of grew out of it. Fuck, I hope he did,” Frankie adds, winking at me.

“Oh yeah, he grew out of it alright. Remember last week when Navarone was making out with that hot chick who had a boyfriend, and the boyfriend came over and—”

I punch Gunner in the arm.

“Ahh, come on, Allie. What was that for?”

“For your information,” I say, turning to all of my friends, feeling the tears sting my eyes, “we promised not to go back there ever again. Not after what happened.”

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