Page 66 of Make It Burn

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“I have no intention of going back to prison.” Gunner winks at me. “Contingencies, my friends, and a good security system.” He giggles.

Sometimes my brother is still a teenager. Rone looks at me, and my smile falls when I see the way his eyes narrow. Instead, I focus on the fire pit in the back of the yard, hoping my wave of dark hair hides my flushed cheeks.

Sterling grabs his guitar. “Want to jam with me?” He nods to Axl, who picks up his own guitar. Sterling and Axl start to sing one of the new songs they’ve been working on. I set my coffee down and tap my toes to the beat.

Frankie stands, holding out his hands for me to take. “Dance with me,” he says, hugging me tight, and I laugh. If there is one thing Frankie can’t do, it’s dance.

Evan grins, sitting back and lighting up a cigarette. He watches us move with a content smile tugging on his lips. Frankie swings me around, and we twirl, while all the boys sing along to the music. He lets me go and I spin before someone takes my hand, stopping me from falling.

I look right into Navarone’s eyes. Frankie winks at me and starts dancing in front of Evan, who chuckles, the traitor. I try to push Navarone away but he holds me tight, swaying to the beat. I close my eyes, but open them when his calloused thumb runs over my warm cheek.

“Give me this,” he whispers, his drawl sexy as hell. “Friends can dance like this, can’t they?” he asks, pulling me toward him.

Why does his voice still give me goose bumps? What the hell is happening to me? To us? I’m still angry but there is something else I feel as well ... like I’m coming home.

“I guess so,” I whisper, laying my cheek on his hard chest. At first he tenses, but he relaxes after taking a deep breath.

Why I let him hold me, I have no idea. To get a glimpse of the person he once was? How we were together?

He rocks me from side to side. Sterling starts playing a beautiful guitar solo, I look up, and we lock eyes. I can’t deny the electricity running from his hands through my body as he holds me like he did in Vegas.

It breaks me, having him this close. It pains me knowing we can never go back to what we were. But why does it hurt more not touching him, and why do I want to kiss him again?

Navarone starts to sing, “I’ve been lonely, holding on to the memories of what we had. All the things we left broken behind us instead. It was easier to walk away because in the end, you never asked me to stay.” Tilting my head, making me look up at him, he continues, “Darling I know you’ve been burning too. Let me hold you until the morning light shines through.” He lets his hands drop and we stand there staring at each other.

And without saying goodbye, I turn around and walk away.

“Allie, please wait.” He tries to seize my hand but I leave him standing on the porch.

Slamming the door of the truck, I grab the steering wheel and I scream, looking up at the house. I can’t let him in, because I know my heart can’t bend and break like that a second time. I lay my head back against the headrest, breathing in and out and fighting the threatening tears.

I’m breaking every promise I ever made to myself. The most important of them all, not loving the son of a bitch again.

“Shit,” I mumble. “Am I lying to myself?” pushing the car keys in the ignition.

I yelp when someone taps on the window of the truck.

“Shit, you scared me,” I mutter.

Navarone opens my car door and takes a seat next to me.

“What the hell are you doing? I turn to him, raising my voice.

“Asking you to dinner.” His mouth hikes up. “What do you say?”

“Why would I have dinner with you?”

He opens his mouth but I beat him to it.

“And do not tell me that is what friends do.” I slam my hands on the steering wheel.

Shaking his head, he smiles at me. “Truce?” he asks, holding out his hand. And I can’t withstand that smile of his. I take his hand in mine, and ignore the electricity coursing through my body.

I shrug. “Okay, truce.”

“And who knows, Al? Maybe this friend thing will work out,” he says, his eyes alight with glee.

Chuckling, I tell him, “Yeah, Dad did say I needed to stop acting like an asshole.”

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