Page 90 of Make It Burn

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“The baby,” I whisper. The boys all hover around me, and I see the tears in Navarone’s eyes when our gazes lock.

“What happened to my baby?” I scream.

Then a nurse in her late fifties walks in. She puts her hands on her hips. “Everyone out!” she orders. “Who is the husband?” she asks.

Dad lets go of Navarone.

“Out,” she orders again, pointing to the door. Austin, Frankie, and Evan follow suit, swearing under their breath as they pass Rone.

“You okay, son?” the nurse asks him. He nods.

Dad, and then Gunner, kiss my forehead. “We will be outside, honey,” Gunner says, laying his hand on Dad’s shoulder and squeezing. Axl gives me a reassuring smile and they leave.

Navarone hesitates before he takes my hand in his. I look into his eyes, but he averts my gaze. The nurse flashes me a kind smile.

We look up when a doctor walks in. He puts his glasses on, giving me a small nod. The nurse strokes my hand before checking the bag of fluid hanging by my bed.

“Hello, Alice,” the doctor says, checking my chart.

“What happened?” I ask again, focusing on Rone who is staring at our locked hands. I’m not wearing my ring.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this. You had already lost a lot of blood before you came to us. If it hadn’t been for your husband applying pressure, you wouldn’t be here. I’m very sorry but we couldn’t save your baby.”

Navarone hangs his head, holding onto my hand, his face wet with tears.

“But I tried to do everything right,” I say, my voice barely a whisper.

“I know, babe. It wasn’t your fault,” Navarone says, choking up.

I look from Navarone to the doctor. He gives me a sad smile. “Sometimes nature takes its course, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

“I can’t. I don’t.” The tears spill over.

Navarone brushes my hair out of my face. “Oh, honey,” he says before kissing my forehead.

“No,” I cry, my heart breaking. “Where is the baby? Can I see?”

“Alice,” the doctor says, his voice kind, “If you want a nurse will take you to her.”

“It was a girl?” I ask, my voice shaking as I look to Navarone who is wiping away his tears.

“This doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant again,” the doctor tells me, laying his hand on my shoulder. “I am so sorry. A nurse will come and take you guys to your daughter. There you can take all the time you need.”

I close my eyes in pain.

“I’ll give you two a moment alone,” the doctor says before leaving together with the nurse.

“Al,” Rone whispers, wiping away my tears.

I’m so angry, I want to scream. I want to hurt. I want to feel something.

“Alice, why didn’t you tell me you were not feeling well?” he asks, his hoarse voice breaking.

I turn to him. Something in my eyes must make him sit back, and I pull my hand away from his. “Don’t you dare. You were too drunk and self-absorbed to register.”

“You should have told me again when I was sober. We could have—”

“When were you ever sober? We could have done what? I know it’s my fault.” I turn my head away.
